Inside Look At a 7-Figure Fitness Business

Inside Look At a 7-Figure Fitness Business

Hey Super Trainers, This is Chris Jarvis owner of Elite Fitness in Sycamore, Illinois. I wanted to share with you a little bit about what I learned on my VIP day(s)… The first thing I noticed when I walked into Fitness Concepts was the energy of the place. It...
D*** Life is Good

D*** Life is Good

Let me first say that this email wasn’t meant to “brag” or “boast’ in anyway. None of this would be possible without the man upstairs, living in the greatest country in the world and all my wonderful clients, partners, employees and all...
Which Describes You?

Which Describes You?

It’s about two close friends of mine name “Alex” They are very close in age, ethnicity, background but their mindset couldn’t be different. One loves to work hard and thrives on adversity. He is very uncomfortable being comfortable. The other...