by 7Figure Sam | Sep 13, 2013 | Marketing Fitness
It’s about two close friends of mine name “Alex” They are very close in age, ethnicity, background but their mindset couldn’t be different. One loves to work hard and thrives on adversity. He is very uncomfortable being comfortable. The other...
by 7Figure Sam | Sep 6, 2013 | Marketing Fitness
Have you ever asked yourself the question, “What makes me different from all the rest?” I asked myself that question 4 years ago. I own a gym in Huntington Beach, California. Where there is a gym on “literally” every corner. I actually have 3 Crossfit gyms...
by 7Figure Sam | Sep 2, 2013 | Marketing Fitness
I want to talk to you about stepping out of your comfort zone. Do you ever do it? If so, how far do you step out? I want to introduce you to Tony, one of my FitRanX Team members out in Texas. Tony was trying to decide if he should lease out a 133 sq ft facility. I...
by 7Figure Sam | Aug 27, 2013 | Marketing Fitness
[jbox color=”blue” vgradient=”#fdfeff|#bae3ff” border=”5″ radius=”5″ shadow=”5″] Nothing is better than building trust with your customers than by pointing out your faults and communicating what you’re...
by 7Figure Sam | Aug 26, 2013 | Marketing Fitness
I have literally read hundreds and hundreds of business development books and been coached by some of the best in the world. They all have said something like…. “The fortune is in the follow up” “You have to follow up 5-7 times”...