I talked recently to one of the coolest guys in the fitness industry, good ol’ boy Pat Rigsby.

Pat’s one of the top fitness business leaders, with a hand in so many diverse projects that it’s hard to keep up.  The work he does impacts a huge number of fitness professional in some way every day.

Me and Pat got on the phone about his new FAST TRACK TO FITNESS MILLIONS event, being held in New Jersey next weekend.  If you are anywhere on the east coast, I highly encourage you to check it out.

After last weekend, you know how I feel about conferences – well check out the line-up of this one and you’ll see it’s going to be something you won’t want to miss.

Listen to me and Pat talk all about it:


Pat, and his business partners Nick Berry and Jim Labadie have a new project they’ll be unvailing at the event, called the APPT – you can check out their fitness business blog to find out more about it.

And be sure to be at FAST TRACK – I’ll be there, along with a ton of other heavy hitters like Craig Ballantyne, Chris McCombs, Zach Even-Esch, Mike Boyle, just to name a few, and that doesn’t count all of the big dogs that will be in attendance.

Or you could stay at home with your X-BOX – your choice!