Fitness Marketing – Weekend With Sam Testimonial – AJ
Hey, everyone. AJ Roberts here, And I’m out at Sam Bakhtiar’s Weekend With Sam. I was actually invited out as a speaker but just like most of the things Sam done, I was completely blown away by the entire weekend and spent the entire time in the room taking notes. I don’t even own a fitness gym at this point in time. But I’m taking notes, writing things down, aha moments, big, big ideas.
Fitness Marketing – Weekend With Sam Testimonial – Kyle
How’s it going? This is Kyle Brown, Celebrity Personal Trainer and Nutritionist and CEO of Fit 365. Just had a phenomenal time at Weekend With Sam. And I actually think he should change his name from 7-figure Sam to Standup Sam. The guy is a class act. The event was nothing short of a game-changer. And for me, life-changing.
Just nothing you do for your business, spend time, surround yourself with class acts like the guys who were here. No pitching. All content, all education, stuff you can apply to your business immediately to change everything.
So if you’re struggling a little bit, you’re looking to be reinspired, you want to know why you should stay in the industry, if you want to find out why and get back to your passion, come to this event. Come and do these types of things with Sam. It’s a game-changer.
Soliciting Clients On Facebook
“Sam a local trainer keeps soliciting my clients on Facebook. What should I do?” I answered Go beat the crap out of him. Just joking ;) I did say “Nothing, focus on being the best that you can be”. You see, in this day and age nothing is a “secret” anymore. People are going to find out about your competitors. And competitors are going to try to solicit your clients. Get used to it. Especially with the invention of social networking sites, pretty much anyone can get a hold of everyone.
Fitness Marketing – Weekend With Sam Testimonial – Shelton
Hey, how’s it going? My name is Shelton Matsey from Chicago. I just want to say, Sam, thanks for a great event. I had an excellent time, lots of great speakers, lots of great content, just a variety of different things. And I’m excited to take some of those things back, implement them into my business and also, to my life because there are a lot of great life lessons that I learned here this weekend which is probably the most important thing for me.
So, I’m excited to go back and implement those things. I want to go and make a profound effect not just in my business but also in my life that I may have a better lifestyle overall. So thank you, Sam. I’m excited to come back next year.
Fitness Marketing – Weekend With Sam Testimonial – Scott
Hey, it’s Scott Covey. And I just wanted to thank you Sam for putting on a great event. This is my first Weekend With Sam, being an attendee at your event. And the speakers were topnotch. I own an online business and I was coming here to just get a few nuggets that I could take home with me and implement in my business. And I got a lot of information out of it that I’ll be taking action on as soon as I get home.
The networking was great. And the accommodations were amazing as well. So thank you Sam for a really good event. And I’ll be back next year.
Belief versus Acceptance
I remember very vividly the moment I came to this understanding.
And it has served me well; much like my own private vault of immense riches that I could draw upon at my whim in order to become or do whatever I chose.
In a world filled with motivational slogans and catch-phrase expressions, we’ve become conditioned to feel as though ‘Belief’ must sit at the forefront of our consciousness.
How To Always Thrive No Matter What
So let me go on a little tangent here….
One of my Pet Peeves is seeing people going through life like a robot.
They just go through motions not paying attention to the “PROCESS”.
Process is EVERYTHING in life.
It’s like they are “checked out or dead already”.
No emotions, no enthusiasm, NO LIFE.
Book Recommendation
This past weekend…
I finally had a chance to catch up on some reading.
I picked up Eric Thomas’s “The Secret To Their Success”
I literally couldn’t put the book down.
(even though my 3 year old princess kept climbing on me)
Here is just one of many, many nuggets that I picked up from this life changing book.
How do you measure success…
Well we know that most people measure success by money, position and power.
But character is THE foundation of REAL success.
Paying Your Dues In The Fitness Industry
Becoming a successful Personal Trainer is not as easy as completing an online trainer certification. I don’t know what it is with a large majority of new trainers feeling like they are entitled to overnight success simply because they just printed out their online Personal Trainer certificate on their printer. What ever happened to paying your dues? Just because you memorized part of your textbook on ATP does not mean you are an expert on training.
THE Hiring Process
After 15 years of owning my own fitness businesses I finally stumbled upon the most important step. And yeah, I know all about the same old, same old. Hire slow and fire fast. Yeah, yeah, yeah… But… Set up the interview at 4 or 5am in the morning. See if they show up on time. That’s the first and most important hiring process in my business.