Irma Sandoval’s Hilarious Court Case

Irma Sandoval’s Hilarious Court Case

A woman’s attempt to get a workout on with her mom ends with a trainer giving here the boot. Traffic Officer Yolanda English is suing a former personal trainer for a refund on boot camp memberships. Defendant Irma Sandoval said the classes were nontransferable.

Sam versus Steve

Sam versus Steve

[portfolio_slideshow exclude="28335"] Opening, state of industry -Popular trends fade in about 2-3 years typically. -13-14% of general population go to gyms/exercise regularly. -Boot Camps are trending, but cheaper and cheaper by the day, need to differentiate. Market...

9 Steps To Fitness Business Success

A few months ago I flew down to Sacramento to pay a visit to my friend and coaching Matt Weaver. Matt, his partner Pete and their team of managers and trainers run a very professional, efficient, organized fitness business. I was most impressed by this "system" they...