My Secret Sales Team

My Secret Sales Team

Erick “The Ab Pro” here, and I want to talk about my sales team. I am not talking about a group of sales consultants I have cold calling all day. I am talking about how I get clients to market and sell my services for me. I am fairly new to the boot camp business, but...
How to Create RABID FANS for your Business

How to Create RABID FANS for your Business

I wanted to follow up my Power of Appreciation post (thanks for all the comment love) with a post on how to help you create RABID FANS! I was watching the Justin Bieber Movie “Never Say Never” Friday night with my lady friend….. Don’t judge! That movie was AWESOME, if...
The Pros and Cons of Owning a Boot Camp

The Pros and Cons of Owning a Boot Camp

Are you sitting on the fence thinking about your next business move? Boot camps are booming right now and many fitness entrepreneurs excitedly want a piece of the action. But when it comes to opening a boot camp, how do you decide the best route between opening one...