What’s up Super-Trainers? Kaiser here.I always tell Sam that I want to put in more posts on the site. I have so much cool stuff going on, I want to share it with you. It just ends up that I’m always finding ways to keep myself busy, and posting here is being...

Business Warrior Success Code

[spoiler] What’s up, guys? Zach here UndergroundStrength.TV. Quick recap of the morning and really the gist of this video is all about doing what others don’t want to do, whether that’s life, lifting, business. That’s how success is created. Right here at the beach,...
Responsibility and Expectations

Responsibility and Expectations

Yes, I am speaking to a group of high school students about life. About the expectations that adults mistakenly project on them sometimes, but how they can take responsibility for their own lives and re-create expectations for themselves. Doesn’t that sound like...
How To Get 105K In One Month

How To Get 105K In One Month

[spoiler] Hey. What’s up? It’s Ian Hart here with the EarthFIT personal training studio and I’m here today because I frequently get asked how I get over 105K in one month in our second full year in business with no advertising and only two fulltime trainers. So I’m...
Ethics And Integrity In The Fitness Business

Ethics And Integrity In The Fitness Business

I am writing this per the request of Sam to share my story. The dates, numbers and specifics are to the best of my recall and are ROOTED IN FACT. There has been much discussion about ethics and integrity in the fitness business arena for many months to many years. I...