I want to talk to you about something very serious... I know it’s not like me to delve into politics like this, but I can’t help but notice how the war America is fighting overseas is very similar to the war we’re fighting in our own backyards. The insurgents in...

How do you measure up?

How do you measure up?

It's your boy Steve Krebs back with another dose of reality for your ass! The fact of the matter is anyone who doesn't want to measure, doesn't want to be held accountable. It's just like that client who claims they want to drop twenty pounds but refuses to get...

I got lots of sneakers

I got lots of sneakers

Hey Super-Trainers It's your main dude Steve Krebs here, and I want to follow up with you after my last post about the "compound effect". If you haven't read that book yet, go get it now! It will teach you how to SAVE money, acquire wealth, and still live the life of...