by 7Figure Sam | Mar 29, 2012 | Marketing Fitness
It can be a real bummer to have just a few clients at a time when you know you could add so many more people to your schedule. Don’t just sit around moping! There are countless low-cost marketing methods that can grow your business tremendously. Here are a few of my...
by 7Figure Sam | Mar 28, 2012 | Marketing Fitness
It’s how you market your product, your service. In the fitness industry, content is crucial because it’s part of what your customers rely on. They want to be supplied with knowledge and information. So how do you continuously write about fitness and nutrition without...
by 7Figure Sam | Mar 27, 2012 | Marketing Fitness
Whatsup gang – Kaiser here. Sure I’m a fitness business owner. You could even so I’m an entrepreneur (even though I’m not crazy about the word). Hustler is something that describes me better, although it has negative connotations. Sometimes I...
by 7Figure Sam | Mar 26, 2012 | Marketing Fitness
[spoiler]Hey, everybody. Rocco Castellano here and today I’m going to be talking to you in my new studio. Yes. I got my brand new whiteboard and I will even turn this way for you. I’m going to talk to you about a couple of different things because I just did a blog...
by 7Figure Sam | Mar 25, 2012 | Marketing Fitness
John Spencer Ellis: Smart, funny, ballsy. Pat Rigsby: Genuine, driven and solid. Dax Moy: Genuine, caring and fun. Curtis Mock: Giving, passionate, honest. I mean the adjectives could go on and on. Rocco Castellano: He is more of a visionary than I think anybody in...