6 Quick Lessons From NYC

6 Quick Lessons From NYC

Hey it’s your main man 7-figure Sam, I’m literally on the plane on my way back home from New York. (sending an email from 30K feet is kinda cool ;) I totally miss my girls and can’t wait to get home and spend some quality time with the family. Quick...
Marketing Strategies: Blog Commenting

Marketing Strategies: Blog Commenting

If people like what you have to say, chances are pretty good they’ll click on your blog and reward you with traffic. This is not necessarily a new strategy, but it’s one that many people know very little about.   Get A FREE SEO Website Audit Here <=====...
Business Fundamentals Overhead

Business Fundamentals Overhead

[spoiler] Sam Bakhtiar: Hey, what’s going on? It’s your main man Seven-figure Sam here. I’m with my boy Erick Salgado. Erick, what’s happening? Erick Salgado: keeping busy. Sam Bakhtiar: Awesome, man. Now Erick is my partner here in Riverside, the Camp Boot Camp...