by 7Figure Sam | Apr 13, 2012 | Marketing Fitness
Hey it’s your main man 7-figure Sam, I’m literally on the plane on my way back home from New York. (sending an email from 30K feet is kinda cool ;) I totally miss my girls and can’t wait to get home and spend some quality time with the family. Quick...
by 7Figure Sam | Apr 13, 2012 | Marketing Fitness
Running a contest or asking for client suggestions was the method of choice for driving referrals or drumming up business. In the age of mobile marketing, this old dinosaur approach is totally dated! The Direct Marketing Association predicted that 89 percent of all...
by 7Figure Sam | Apr 12, 2012 | Marketing Fitness
If people like what you have to say, chances are pretty good they’ll click on your blog and reward you with traffic. This is not necessarily a new strategy, but it’s one that many people know very little about. Get A FREE SEO Website Audit Here <=====...
by 7Figure Sam | Apr 11, 2012 | Marketing Fitness
[spoiler] Sam Bakhtiar: Hey, what’s going on? It’s your main man Seven-figure Sam here. I’m with my boy Erick Salgado. Erick, what’s happening? Erick Salgado: keeping busy. Sam Bakhtiar: Awesome, man. Now Erick is my partner here in Riverside, the Camp Boot Camp...
by 7Figure Sam | Apr 11, 2012 | Marketing Fitness
I’ve read a great deal of books on the topics of failure and success. I’ve come across many examples of mishaps transformed into triumphs. There are countless examples, really. Yet, textbooks can’t teach you the sort of lesson that real, concrete failure can....