When did SUPER-TRAINER get started? I’m not really sure. But around this time is when I first talked to Gunnar Peterson for one of the early posts, so let’s call this the ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY. The year’s flown by, but it feels like a lot has changed. I’m not talking about just with me, but with the blog too. I hope you got some change and growth out of it too, because that’s what this is about.

If you haven’t been skimming around or are just joining us, here’s whats-up:

The Whistleblower is Now a PDF:

I only wanted 500 people in on the report in the beginning. If you’ve read it you know why: I talk a lot of trash, expose a lot of misconceptions, call people out, and put a lot of my personal life and business out there. I didn’t want that on the web freely circulating, so you had to register to see it and the whole nine yards. But after the list capped out, and I got tons of positive feedback, people telling me just amazing things of how it impacted and influenced them, I decided to take the reigns off of it. You can now get it as an immediate PDF download. You can share it with whoever you want, although I don’t know if you’d want to give away that competitive edge!

Besides the Whistleblower, you can also get the Marketing Blueprint and The Fitness Lifestyle Report, all here.

Hot New Services:

How do YOU become a Top-Level Trainer? Get high level clients? Charge higher rates? Craft a sharper image? Cement yourself as a pro, and be ready to DO DAMAGE in the industry? I was thinking about how I could achieve this mission for the readers of the blog. I recorded a bunch of Powerpoint videos (which haven’t been released), booked some good interviews, and had a bunch of informative posts in line. But rather than skate around it, I figured out how to get right to it and make it happen. You see that with the new services – they are THE WEB-SITE SOLUTOION and THE COMPLETE BRANDING PACKAGE. So much of this business just comes down to your marketing, message, and differentiation. These two services handle them both. If you’re just starting out and testing waters at a grass roots level, then check out THE BRANDING PACKAGE. But if you’re ready to start a FULL-BLOWN TRAINING PRACTICE and get moving as a trainer right freaking now, then make sure you check out THE WEB-SITE SOLUTION. You can find both here.

Welcome to the UNDERGROUND:

This is about the realest blog you’ll find anywhere on the web when it comes to Personal Training. But call me shy or whatever, but there’s just a some things you can’t say on the web. There are some topics that only people on the inside that are going through the same things as you will get. For that I started the THE UNDERGROUND NEWSLETTER. Here, we touch on topics that I wouldn’t normally cover on Super-Trainer; and you get key insights that other trainers are sharing with me that they’re not putting on their blogs, or anywhere else for that matter. This is the real meat that you won’t find in any book, course or conference anywhere. It’s my vehicle to bring the inside info to the surface – others would charge for it, but if you want in, there aren’t any barriers. You can register here.

So as you can see things have changed a lot from the days when this was just a rant about the fitness lifestyle. In the free time I’ve spent on it and the things I’ve learned, I’ve also done a some changing too. Last year, I used to go out almost every night of the week. I still do what I want, but now I feel like a part of something big – a mission. And it seems like it’s working – I’m hearing some amazing success stories, everyone from beginner trainers all the way to Top-Level advanced trainers telling me how they’ve been influenced by it. That was my goal from the beginning, so it looks like it’s really coming through.

Thanks to everyone that’s been a part of this, to the all the amazing guests, the readers sharing their feedback, and the many more who have contacted me to learn and to share they’re experiences. Just like with our careers, this blog’s been an amazing ride and it’s just heating up.