I know what you’re thinking right now: not another article about Arnold Schwarzenegger.
But hey, if the bodybuilding magazines can feature him on the cover of every other issue, then why can’t we?
Arnold’s influence on the fitness industry is hard to fathom. His popularization of bodybuilding decades ago is the reason why 75% of the square footage of most gyms are devoted to bodybuilding equipment, and why millions of people worldwide are obsessed with it.
But beyond his physique, there are a lot of things we as fitness industry entrepreneurs have in common with him that are not always obvious. Here are a few little known things about Arnold that you may have in common but may not have been aware of:
- He was a trainer: for a little while Arnold was a personal trainer. He hated it, but there’s a lesson in that – you should look to gain leverage in your fitness business and take a leadership role (instead of doing all of the training) as soon as possible.
- He was a mail order entrepreneur for a while (and did fairly well at it): Arnold made millions in mail order information products, but you have to admit it was a little easier for him. He was made a huge star through his exclusive contract with the Weider Bodybuilding publications, so he had a built in “list”.
- His work ethic and drive are legendary: they probably far out pace any natural gifts he may have been born with.
There are of course tons of videos featuring him all over the web, but I found a few that were particularly good. They are in Arnold’s own words, and the info he shared was to the point, and as up front as you’ll hear anyone in his position deliver out in the open.
Two of these videos are from a university commencement address he delivered, and the other is from an interview. All three videos will have your mind popping with kernels of wisdom from the master:
[youtube JdTPwnk1Kl0 nolink]
[youtube wiMRayCZvd8&feature nolink]
[youtube hvOUVil7W5s&feature nolink]
To, review, here are few of the lessons from above that were particularly good:
- Once you achieve success once, it can be repeated: as Arnold explains, when he entered acting he just copied his pattern of success in bodybuilding. He trained and studied the same way and got similar success.
- Never listen to the naysayers: when you really thing about it, it’s the most ridiculous thing that Arnold got the success he did in acting with his accent, his name, and his huge muscles. But he knew what he wanted to accomplish, and refused to accept anything short of it. When it came to running for Governor, he did the same thing. He announced his candidacy just months before the election, and he averaged just a couple of hours of sleep per night until he got the job.
Parents just don’t understand: one of the funniest points from the videos above was the story he told about his mom calling a psychiatrist to check him out because he was so obsessed with bodybuilding. If you have any goals beyond what your parents did, especially big goals, they’ll think you’re nuts. (Btw, if everyone did exactly what their parents did, we’d still be living in caves wearing animal skins.)
- Goals are one thing – you have to put in the pain to get the results: even if you’re the most talented, you still need to outwork everyone else to get the best results. But beyond the work, Arnold is proof of the most important part of all: results are all that matter.
In my opinion, he’s one of the all time greats in history, so you can’t get much better advice than what you get from Arnold. If you doubt yourself or find yourself listening to those around you, be sure to keep this post bookmarked! Good luck.
Arnold is an inspiration. While some people consider him an opportunist, I prefer to think of him as an entrpreneur that could spot a fantastic opportunity, grab it with both hands and twist it till money fell out.
It wasn’t bodybuilding that made Arnold so successful, it was Arnold. How many other athletes from any sport, especially sports that are more commercial than bodybuilding are half as successful as Arnold is?
Arnold has always told it like it is and he gets away with everything, maybe it’s because he has an accent.
I read an unauthorised bio on him a few years back and the author wrote that he wanted to learn a new language and he already had such a busy schedule so he simply made himself get up an hour earlier each day to read.
Say what you like about Arnold, the guy is briliant, I just wish I could figure out how he has crammed so much into his life.
Nice article Kaiser, it’s always great to read/listen about this side of his life.
Kaiser, Ben, I have to agree with you. Arnold is really a remarkable guy. It’s pretty amazing how he got so much done in his life.
And learning from him is having one of the best possible teachers, so no one’s going to blame you for it! Great post.
No, I didn’t know all of that about Arnold, and it really is inspiring – thanks for sharing.
And I’m almost all the way through the videos – so far they’re awesome.
I have found this site recently and have to say am really impressed with everything here. Great article and looking forward to reading more. Arnold is the greatest, hands down. Call me crazy, but I consider him to be as great as the renaissance artists – a true master at what he does.
Kick ass post as usual Kaiser. Great motivation.
No need to explain – arnold is the man. You should change the whole blog to just talking about him every time.
Kaiser, sometimes I think you are a mind reader!
This post came to me at exactly the right time. I really needed this motivation.
And everything he talks about in those three videos, I can definitely relate to. I’m real glad to hear it from someone else, and Kaiser, thanks for sharing.
Glad everyone saw the value in this pots. When you really think about, he does have a lot in common with many of us. And once you can clearly understand and draw that parallel, you’ll be shocked at how potential you realize you have.
This post is a gem Kaiser. There is much to to be admired in a man who has achieved whatever he set his mind to under good guiding principles.
Rick Kaselj
of ExercisesForInjuries.com
Great article, nice video finds. Can’t wait to see his cameo in ‘The Expendables’
I especially like his philosophy to “Never listen to the naysayers: ” In these days of the internet, you’re constantly bombarded w/ opinions. Many, anonymous in which the only way it can effect you is if you listen, if not, it’s just another fart in the wind.
hEY Cool Videos Kaiser! This website keeps getting better and better.
Arnold is one of my all time heros – and you’re totally right – think of how many millions of people work out just because of him. That’s why the gyms are the way they are. Great stuff again Kaiser, motivational, educational, and helpful all in one.