Why clients leave?

Why clients leave?

Last year Lil’Wayne came out with his song “6 Foot, 7 Foot”.. he told the world about his fling with a girl named Tammy.. “I got my heart broken, by a girl named Tammy But hoes, gon’ be hoes, so I couldn’t blame Tammy” What he meant with this was that although Tammy...
How To Work Smarter Not Harder

How To Work Smarter Not Harder

As fitness professionals and entrepreneurs, No matter how hard we work, it seems like there is never enough time or energy (mostly energy) to get all the important work tasks done.     [hyperlink family=”Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif”...
How to Write Successful E-mail Campaigns

How to Write Successful E-mail Campaigns

Ever since launching 7-figure e-mails last year I’ve had a ton of trainers ask me the same question, “How do you write out, plan and schedule e-mail campaigns to your list of past clients and prospects?” I’d be lying if I said it was easy to do. Especially to be able...