How to write a killer emailSo I’ve sent you 2 emails ( Why clients leave? and Marketing is DEAD ) in the last couple days on the killer $97 deal where you get an entire YEAR of email content.. (over 75 emails for 97 smackeroo’s)
The whole idea to put my emails on the market wasn’t even mine. Sam Bakhtiar told me to do this because he says I’m one of the “best email writers out there”

But even if you don’t pick up my product, I want you to know that one of the BEST ways to increase retention.. and overall guru status among your clients.. is to email out twice a week.

That’s why I made you this short checklist on how to write a killer email, every single time:

[font family=”Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif” size=”20″ color=”DE0202″ textshadow=”1″ alignment=”center” weight=”normal” style=”normal” lineheight=”110″]FIRST – Know what you stand for[/font]

This goes without saying, but decide for yourself what your gym/fitness business is about.

Even if you started off as a ‘bootcamp’ in a park or gymnastics facility with just dumbbells & sliders.. you still should know CLEARLY what you want your clients to believe

For instance, with my list I preach that steady-state cardio sucks.. hill sprints is the ultimate form of cardio.. drive-throughs are for lazy housewives.. and Angelina Jolie isn’t as hot in real-life

As a result, all my clients stopped their destructive marathons and post pics on facebook in the weekend of the hills they’re sprinting on

Don’t underestimate the power of your emails. Do them right and your clients will follow you blindly.

[font family=”Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif” size=”20″ color=”DE0202″ textshadow=”1″ alignment=”center” weight=”normal” style=”normal” lineheight=”110″]SECOND – Choose your enemies[/font]

This ties into the previous point, but it’s good to have ‘shared’ enemies with your clients.

This can be drive-throughs, the news, the Shakeweight, Spanks, Zumba.. you name it

When choosing your enemies, try going for those that your clients likely hate as well.. this will create a bond with your list

[font family=”Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif” size=”20″ color=”DE0202″ textshadow=”1″ alignment=”center” weight=”normal” style=”normal” lineheight=”110″]THIRD – Listen to Hip-Hop and know what the celebrities are up to[/font]

The easiest way to make funny clichés is by either:
Quoting popular hiphop tracks
Or talking about celebrities

For instance, with the Oscars in 2012 I wrote an email about Diets, and how Angelina Jolie was probably on one.. because when she got on stage and turned sideways she disappeared.

And she had this skinny white thing sticking out of her dress. Some said it was her leg.

And that she’d probably have to run around in the shower to get wet.

Also, every other week I quote one of the rappers out there.. because, I don’t know about you, but I think hiphop is so funny sometimes

I’ve told stories of how I went grocery shopping and “pulled up to the scene with the ceiling missing”.. or that I had a “condo around my neck, girl, I’m cashing out”

I know this sounds random.. but you’ll be surprised how many of your female clients love hiphop..

[font family=”Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif” size=”20″ color=”DE0202″ textshadow=”1″ alignment=”center” weight=”normal” style=”normal” lineheight=”110″]FOURTH – Get in the zone[/font]

There are certain times of the day where you’re more creative, and your writing will be more smooth

Mine if right after my post-workout meal. Find yours, and shut off all distractions until you get that email done

[font family=”Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif” size=”20″ color=”DE0202″ textshadow=”1″ alignment=”center” weight=”normal” style=”normal” lineheight=”110″]FIFTH – Get straight to the point[/font]

Skip the whole “Hello”, ‘Hey”, “Hi there” part.

It’s too redundant, and oftentimes the transition to your content will be awkward.

Instead, just start writing and get on with it. Most people are getting shorter attention spans by the minute.. so condense your emails.

Remember, often it’s not about what you write.. but what you decide NOT to write, thus leaving it up to the reader’s imagination

[font family=”Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif” size=”20″ color=”DE0202″ textshadow=”1″ alignment=”center” weight=”normal” style=”normal” lineheight=”110″]SIXTH – Use stories[/font]

Everyone loves stories. And there’s no shame in making them up.

I’ve written about meeting girls at Trader Joes.. Drama shows at the burrito stand.. and crime scenes on the leg press.

Whatever point you’re trying to get across.. put it in a story and it will be easier to read

[font family=”Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif” size=”20″ color=”DE0202″ textshadow=”1″ alignment=”center” weight=”normal” style=”normal” lineheight=”110″]SEVENTH – Send twice a week[/font]

Many will tell you that you should email every day..

.. but in my opinion, that’s Internet Marketing-talk.

You see your clients in real life throughout the week, so twice a week is more than enough. Besides, write more than 2x a week and your punching power gets diluted.

Those were my 7 tips to get you started writing emails to your list. This will also be my last email where my program is up for sale -> [hyperlink family=”Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif” size=”20″ color=”FF0000″ textshadow=”1″ alignment=”center” weight=”normal” style=”normal” lineheight=”110″ linkurl=”” linkwindow=”_self”]$97 for a 75+ content emails. Check it out right here.[/hyperlink]

See you soon,
Michael Duivis