The KBL Mastermind was EPIC. I have never been in a room with so many overachievers. The coolest thing was that even though some of these guys are making 8 figures (yes 8 f****** figures) they are so down to earth, humble and always willing to help. In this day and age where you see people become arrogant after making a couple bucks, this was a refreshing change. My mom taught me that “money doesn’t buy you class” and once again she was right all along. So I thought I share a few random thoughts from the weekend and also show you how we get down ;)


25 Random things off the top of my head:

  1. Andy Jenkins is a workoholic and still works 12 hours per day. Difference between having to work and wanting to work (He loves what he does)
  2. Reverse engineer your business every 3 months
  3. 2 things that make you money ======> Perform and Publish
  4. You’re in the personality business. Don’t be boring be a ROCKSTAR
  5. Don’t need to invent something. Just need to do what you do best ALL the time.
  6. In business you need M.E.S =====> Marketing, Experience, Systems
  7. Anything that can be measure can be improved.
  8. You Got to ALWAYS measure yourself
  9. You have got to time your activities in 15 min increments. Use pomodoro technique for effective time management.
  10. The amount of $$ you make is directly proportional to the amount of uncomfortable conversations that you have.
  11. Rotate the schedule of your trainers. You don’t want any one trainer to build strong relationship with your customer.
  12. Systems are made to keep good honest people good and honest ;)
  13. 20% of everybody will buy more as long as t enhances what they already have bought.
  14. Nothing is a big deal in the eyes of the consumer til you make it a big deal.
  15. The Facebook like button is the new SEO button
  16. Recommended book “Save the Cat”
  17. Looking for good headlines? go to =======>
  18. Shortest pencil is better than the biggest memory.
  19. 2 productivity tools used by Andy Jenkins ====> Ever note and Basecamp
  20. Facebook, PPC, Google, SEO and Groupon in the next 5-10 years are all F****
  21. Facebook like Google already started the “Facebook Slap”.
  22. So what’s the solution =====> High quality, unique content, be different and enhance user experienced.
  23. Press releases are the best way to increase traffic. Matt Trainer shared his secret method which I swore not to publicly share
  24. Learn how to tell stories
  25. Every email has a cliff hanger. (The way TV shows have been written)

These are just what comes to mind right now as I don’t have my notes in front of me. If I had my notes in my hand it would be in the hundreds. Also there were a few things that I swore not to share publicly.

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