Hi. How are you doing? I’m Damien from Dublin in Ireland. I traveled all the way up from Ireland to come over and learn from Sam and his business. I jumped at the opportunity to go do it and the training I got out there are from the best people in the industry and I think Sam had it down in his systems he uses for his operations. So I wanted to, like his system, save yourself time, energy and money. I got to experience inside his training gym, his sales process, the marketing, all the little step-by-step that you’re not taught in your ordinary training time.

It’s easy and I replenished what I pay to come over here and multiply that by a lot more. I got a lot of great ideas from the other people in the group, from Sam, from his knowledge and from his experience. They say experience is what you get from making mistakes and I want to learn from Sam rather than make them myself.

So I think I would not hesitate in recommending Sam’s course or future courses that he recommends, if he has got the time to do it. If you get the opportunity to go do it, don’t hesitate because as I said, it could be the difference between you being a big, successful personal training business and one [0:01:04] [Indiscernible] that basically hesitates to bring on new clients, build that income. So I would have no hesitation in saying go to Sam. Learn from him.