This is what YOU should be like, every time a fitness infomercial comes on.
What’s up gang.
I’ve got a very, very nice piece of content for you today that you’re going to be able to “plug and play” into making your advertising and website sales copy a whole lot more effective.
I’m constantly reinforcing the message to my students that they need to become students of marketing; especially direct response marketing, which is marketing that is meant to produce an immediate response.
Well the highest level of direct response marketing is infomercial marketing. Why? Because it’s the most expensive to run and execute. If you see an infomercial playing for months or years, then I guarantee you that it is making a profit every time it runs.
There’s lesson in understanding the numbers of the cost versus the return of your marketing. But there’s also a tremendous lesson in the content of these ads.
Seriously, if you watched a P90x ad with a pen and paper in hand and paid attention to all of the marketing techniques used in the ad, you would have no problem producing a lifetime of income out of fitness for yourself with your real world services.
When it comes to P90x, here are a few of the many things they do right in their spots:
1. A Star (Tony Horton)
2. Simple concept (muscle confusion)
3. Easy to do (you simply put in the tapes)
6. Sense of community among members
7. Fun atmosphere

P90X is information marketing at the absolute highest level.
And just way too much more for me to even list for you here. Those ads are really a work of art, which explains why they continue to run for years without slowing down. And like I mentioned a minute ago, since this is direct response, they are running because they are PROFITABLE.
In the case of P90x, I also happen to consider it an excellent product. Goes to show that all you need is a simple, regimented exercise program to get great results. So stop killing yourself trying to be Mr. or Mrs. “Perfect Personal Trainer”, and just have a standardized product that you believe (ie. your services), and spend the rest of your time marketing and selling it.
Now, although I didn’t go into depth on the P90x ad, I do have a much more detailed case study for you today.
There’s a new product that caught my eye, not because it’s particularly effective, but marketing scumbag that I am, I noticed they do everything right in their marketing as well.
It’s the new PERFECT SIT-UP spots that you’ll see running on TV everywhere.
The PERFECT SIT-UP is the new product by the creators of the PERFECT PUSH-UP. They’ve had a string of successful products, and are expert marketers of them.
For my own personal “swipe file”, I had the entire commercial spot transcribed. And it got me to thinking what the hell, let me share it with all of you too.
So below you’ll find the full transcript to the spot. I’ve also included my own commentary on some of the things they do right, which enhance the response of spots like these and turns them into profitable hits. Without these tactics, it’s just another useless plastic piece of crap collecting dust in your closet.
Before we start, here’s the video of the full commercial spot for your reference:
[youtube VHD2ROxlk4U nolink]
And here’s the transcript for you with my commentary (you will find my comments in red):

Is this crap? I’ll leave that up to you. But the marketing is top-notch.
Introducing the Perfect Situp, invented by the Navy SEAL who brought you the Perfect Pushup.
Credibility, name recognition, banking on STAR and STORY of previous ads.
The Perfect Situp reinvents the situp by combining the upper ab crunch with the lower ab leg lift. Then, the Perfect Situp adds an audible coach; you’ll hear a click when you’ve done the exercise correctly. Easy to use and do correctly. No thinking required – no confusion. Done for you.
You’ll hear it, and you’ll feel it. It’s this one two punch that gets you better, faster results. Better, faster results.
Traditional situps and crunches are hard to do and only effectively work half of your abs, the upper half. But, the Perfect Situp targets and tones the upper abs and the lower abs. Problem and solution.
The secret is the combination of perfect position and resistance with the addition of the patent pending Perfect Situp leg blades. You’ll activate all your abs, the inner obliques, the outer obliques, the upper abs, and the hard to reach deep lower abs. “The Secret” – creates a unique selling proposition.
In fact, a university study shows the Perfect Situp delivers up to 180% better abdominal contraction than a regular crunch. Oooohhh – a UNIVERSITY STUDY. Combination of authority and proof.
And when you flatten the abs below the belt, that sucks in the gut and helps you get into those skinny jeans. Use of customer language in describing results, ie SKINNY JEANS.
And that’s what helped get fantastic results like this for Kara Scobey, Chris Ryan, and Elliot Rodriguez. Proof that it works for real people. Almost as good as a testimonial.
And the Perfect Situp makes it easy. Your head is fully supported, and there is no strain on your neck. You can even use the Perfect Situp in a chair, just remove the leg blades and use it seated. It’s EASY.
And when you’re done with your workout, the Perfect Situp stores away, it hangs in a closet. Convenience.
So don’t work half your abs, get a flat, toned stomach, work all your abs with the Perfect Situp. Benefits again.
Here’s the deal, you can try the Perfect Situp for 30 days for only $14.95. Call to action makes an OFFER, and the offer involves RISK REVERSAL (ie low cost trial).
Call now, when you order you’ll receive the Perfect Situp complete with adjustable headrest, adjustable and upgradable 10 pound resistance leg blades, gym quality foam pad, the essential Perfect Situp reduced calorie meal plan and the ab crunching Perfect Situp workout chart. And one more thing, if you call right now we’ll ship it to you for free. That’s right, free shipping on the Perfect Situp, but you’ve got to call right now. Bonuses thrown in, but only if you call NOW. Creates false sense of urgency (after all, it’s a commercial – how the hell do they know when I’m calling?).
Carve away inches from your stomach, get a Perfect Situp, call now. One last time, benefit and call to action.

Copywriting is the highest value form of writing known to man – get good at it, or at least learn what good copy looks like (RIP the Prince of Print, Gary Halbert).
Hope you liked that. I was practically floored the first time I saw this ad, because I’ve never seen so many direct response tactics crammed into such a short spot. These ads are written by some of the best copywriters alive. In fact, most of the cost for the ad goes to the writer – no other aspect costs as much.
And whoever wrote this ad pulled out ALL the stops. You’ll notice not a single sentence and hardly a word was wasted.
I hope you learned a ton from it yourself. This little video, transcript, and my breakdown of it will have more value to you than any course or book you buy this year, as long as you put it into use. Apply ALL of the tactics I just described to you above, and you’ll find the effectiveness of your advertising and marketing skyrocket.
I promise you’ll never watch TV the same way again. If you’re smart, you’ll be watching for the commercials. Talk soon.
This was awesome Kaiser! Thank you so much!
Hey Kaiser – I took your advice years ago to start paying attention to infomercials and magazine ads, and I can’t tell you how much it’s paid off. You’re right, it’s like an education in marketing every time. Thanks.
Good shit dude. You’re right, this ad is on point.
Wow, that’s great marketing! Thanks man!
Hey Kaiser. I never really paid attentino to infomercials too much. But you’re right, the marketing in that ad was on point. I’ll definitely be paying attentino from now on.
Hey great job thanks for the transcript. I thought of about five ways I can use some of this info on my site.
Hmmmm… is very effective. Great breakdown.
Click click click… I love it thanks K! Great swipping material that I can use for my new orleans boot camp class!
– Jonas – New Orleans Boot Camp
Kaiser, this was an amazing post. So many things just “clicked” for me after reading this. I’m going to go change my website right now!
Sweet post! Lots of great info here.
I just have a question for you Kaiser. Do you think some of these tactics would be too hypey and lame for a personal trainer to use?
After all, I think the HEY BUY NOW BEFORE YOU DIE type of ending might not be a good idea.
What do you think? I will trust your opinion. Thanks.
GREAT post Kaiser!
These infomercial companies spend an absolute fortune and use tried and tested techniques to suck consumers in to buying their junk…I mean convenient and easy products!
@Erik I would say that when and how you use different tactics would depend on the medium. At the end of the day, you want your marketing to sell your product or service before the potential client speaks to you. I mean, who has time to do sales presentations and answer the same questions day in and day out?
As long as you can deliver what you promise, there’s nothing wrng with telling your customers what they want to hear.
Glad everyone liked this one; had a lot of fun writing it.
Erik, when used wisely, I think these concepts are perfect for personal training. You just need to use them to the degree that fits your niche, specialty, and market. How you use them will be your judgment call, but whatever the case, strong marketing tactics are a must. And of course, a strong product, ie your services, are an absolute must as well.
I must admit the “Perfect …” product line does have an exceptional advertising approach. I remember the first time I saw the Perfect Push Up commercial, I immediately brought it, lol!
Now the Perfect Push Up is a good product, as less strain is out on the wrist, but it was the advertisment of the product that sold me versus the actual product.
I personally would outsource advertsisng of products/services because my pasison is in the training of the business never the less, this info is great education for novices as well as veterans of the fitness industry.
Nice Post!
Spot on as usual Kaiser. Direct response marketing is a brilliant concept. I’ll never look at informercials the same way again. Thanks for the eye opener.
Rick Kaselj