Mike’s Testimonial

Mike’s Testimonial

[spoiler] This is Mike from Lincoln, Nebraska. And this is my first Weekend With Sam event. I got to say, what a great way to start the 2013 year. Thanks Sam for putting this on. It’s been an amazing weekend, a phenomenal lineup of speakers, the top in the industry....
The Future of Marketing in 2013 and Beyond

The Future of Marketing in 2013 and Beyond

We’ve just wrapped up an awesome two-days at the KBL mastermind. My brain is brimming with notes and ideas that I’ll be implementing as soon as I get back to Cyprus next week. I’ve summed up some of the best notes I took from the last couple of days so that you can...
5 Secrets of Successful Fitness Websites

5 Secrets of Successful Fitness Websites

What is the difference between the website of a successful fitness business, and an unsuccessful one? In my experience there are 5 things that separate the websites that draw traffic and convert, and those that don’t. I’ve had the pleasure of designing websites...