Recently I posted this question on Facebook, ”Are You a Sexy-Maker or Health Producer?” and got lots of great responses specific to how we market, advertise and run our businesses. I had some trainers that took offense to my question and others that were in complete agreement.

As Personal Trainers, we see what is happening with the decline in the health of Americans today and we have the tools to turn that tide instantly, moving America back to health and wellness. Why aren’t most trainers actively pursuing the health and wellness message?

There are generally two schools of thought about exercise. One group loves it and thrives on it; the other group eyes it with distaste, ignorance, or lack of interest (this group is much larger).

Our profession has increased in popularity over the years with this first group. The focus has been on the exterior of the body (from “their” perspective), “cool” and scant apparel, excitement and sweat. The end result is to create a new body shape, a sexier body, or a muscular body. The inferred message is that you will be more popular, happier, more attractive to the opposite sex, or a better athlete.

This image does nothing for the percentage of our population in the other group, so we have effectively cut off communications with the second group who do not see the need for a sexy body in their life.

The truth is that they do need regular exercise in their life, but not for the reasons we have advertised and marketed. They need regular exercise for their health and quality of life because regular exercise is what their body needs to give them that health and quality of life.

Can a profession suddenly change the direction of its message and purpose mid-stream, while maintaining its current message? Not possible. As complex as the human brain is, it likes simplicity and black and white.

When the doctor tells a patient to get regular exercise and proper nutrition, and the patient perceives the doctor as a “fixer of problems by dispensing magic pills”, the patient would rather just have a pill.

Some in the medical profession have aligned themselves with an image that has removed self-care accountability from the average person and laid that accountability at the feet of the doctor to get them well and keep them healthy.

When you look at how the majority of our population views the roles of doctors and personal trainers, you start to understand that the depth of our health crisis in America runs much deeper than mere statistics.

So, my question to you is…how do we transform our image from sexy-maker to health-producer so we can capture that market and make a real difference in the health of our citizens?



The “Classy” Greg Justice
AYC Health & Fitness
Corporate Boot Camp System