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I can’t emphasize this enough.

For you to build a SOLID fitness business you need the following in place.

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And the hell with systems…

Too many fitness pros talk about systems, systems, systems….

I am personally tired of hearing that. Everyone these days seem to have the “same D*** systems”

These days everyone is blending in with everyone else.

It’s like living in a track home.

You drive right past your house, because all the houses in your neighborhood look the same.

For your business to survive and more importantly thrive you must STAND OUT.

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Business evolves.

Markets change.

So must YOU.

Adapt and evolve or die. It’s that simple.

Here are just a few things that I have “adapted” that’s blowing up my business.

And it’s totally different than what some other so called GURUS are teaching.

180 degree different.

1) Marketing.

(Not the same old STUPID short term gimmick marketing that some of these so called gurus teach you that will KILL your business in the long term)

2) Sales

(Not the same old generic sales script everyone is using)

3) Wow Factor

(No, I am not talking about your equipment or your turf)

4) Personality

(Yes, in people’s business you need to have a consistent personality)

5) Core Competence

(You do have to know what you’re talking about)

6) Referral

(Not the same old crap they are teaching you that repels people)

7) Community

(Some trainers are still worrying about traffic and conversion and missing the whole boat on this)

8) Fun Factor

(Some facilities are great at everything except they are way to uptight and boring)

9) CIA

(Yup just like the government you need a Central Intelligence Agency to monitor the pulse and keep terrorism away ;)

In the next few days I will break down each component and give you the blueprint on how we are BLOWING up.

Your boy Sam,

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