Here is a quick simple formula for ya…..

trusted advisorRavingFans

A trusted advisor is someone who has shown time and
time again that they have their client’s best interest at
heart regardless of their own personal gain.

Once people recognize you have their “unconditional”
best interest at heart they will gravitate to you.

A lot of fitness professional are always trying to maximize
revenues and become what I call

“Penney wise and dollar foolish”

Think long term strategy my friend.

I know you have bills to pay.

Who doesn’t.

I do too…..

But some deals are just not worth making.

Always stay true to yourself and what you stand for.

Here is what one of our clients posted on Facebook the other day.

[contentbox width=”450″ borderwidth=”5″ borderstyle=”double” bordercolor=”000000″ dropshadow=”5″ backgroundcolor=”D3F5F5″ radius=”5″]This place has changed my life !!!

It has given me hope to become a Lean Muscle Body project (lol) I have to say I have met some wonderful ppl here ( trust and believe from someone who never trust easy)Not only do they care but they help you feel welcomed, MiSSED and MoST importantly drive results !!

…your not just another person full of fitness goals unaccomplished … year after year,lost at the gym with no clue what you are doing …it just seems good to do.

The Trainers at The Camp Bootcamp-want to help you with tools to help YOU accomplish RESULTS not just continues dreams of looking good and feeling good!

The energy is amazing and are full of so much positive motivation & a little bit of glimpse of reality – if it doesn’t burn you don’t want it bad enough -attitude

…but how else can you do it?!! @ The gym ..wishing u could afford trainers consistently ?This guy& this amazing lady — Stands for no mess

..but he and she want to help those who really want it !!! No excuses. A wise man told me once “Look for who is at the head of the realm in a business and that’s how they run their business !!

Well-I trust them with my life – I believe what they bring to those who are tired of wishing !!! Come check it out – it took once and I never wanted to leave this place (which I call my second home) lol[/contentbox]


If you want to be like everyone else, then the only
differentiating factor will be the price.

That’s called “The Race The Bottom”

Something I am not interested in….

I see you at the top baby.

If I can do it. So can you.
