[jbox color=”green” width=”500″ icon=”http://super-trainer.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/unknown.png” title=”UNHAPPY FBBC FRANCHISE OWNER”]
OK bud, here is the deal.
I am at this strange point in my business and I need to make some decisions and I don’t even know where to start.
One decision is….do I get a coach; join a mastermind, and if so, which one? HOw do I pick which one is going to be the best fit for me?
But the first thing is, I gotta dump FBBC…
So having a coach….well it would help. I just want to know that if I invest in more coaching that I will get help with all that I need and maybe more that I don’t even know I need.
[jbox color=”green” width=”500″ icon=”http://super-trainer.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/unknown.png” title=”UNHAPPY FBBC FRANCHISE OWNER”]
Oh yeah….you want something to blog on?
I’ll give you some material if you promise it won’t come back to me or have me named.
[jbox color=”blue” width=”500″ icon=”http://super-trainer.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/sam_super_original60x60.png” title=”SAM”]
Wow man first of all really happy for you and your success. I know you been busting your ass for a while now. You definitely deserve it.
I want you to ask yourself what is it that you want out of life? Is it more money? More time? We all do of course. I seriously these days focus on providing value and going above and beyond for people and I have to tell you that my business has never been more profitable. We been taught to look at everyone with $$$ on their head and I even went that miserable route for a while.
Yeah bro, if I can help you in anyway let me know. These days I really focus more on business fundamentals than on just marketing and getting people in the door. How many locations do you have? Sounds like you have some interesting stuff to discuss. Of course if it helps our industry I will put it out and I will never mention your name if that’s what you want.
[jbox color=”green” width=”500″ icon=”http://super-trainer.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/unknown.png” title=”UNHAPPY FBBC FRANCHISE OWNER”]
Anyhow….I don’t look at people with money on their head. That’s one thing that annoys me about B. He made me feel like he didn’t have time for me if I could not afford his coaching, and now that I can….I don’t want to give him my money.
[jbox color=”green” width=”500″ icon=”http://super-trainer.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/unknown.png” title=”UNHAPPY FBBC FRANCHISE OWNER”]
B sent out the following email…. It may have going out to his entire list or it may have gone to just FBBC owbers…either way the email pissed me off. Read at the bottom to see why.
This time of year, there’s only one reason to have 50
plastic Easter eggs and $3,000 in cash on hand.
It’s become a Fitness Business Summit tradition…
and at the moment Andrew and Chloe (7 and 5) are loading
all of those Easter eggs up with loot so we can throw them
out to the audience at FBS13 in a couple weeks.
Good times!
While the child labor train is steady chugging along
at the dining room table, I thought I’d send you this
email and teach you the “magic formula” that I shared
with about 100 dentists at a seminar I spoke at on
Now, in general I don’t speak at non-fitness industry
In fact, I don’t even speak at any of the fitness industry
events, unless, of course, it’s my own event… that’s because
most all other event’s are out right lame and straight up
pitch fests.
Anyhow… I digress
= The Magic Client Attraction Formula =
Like I shared with the dentists on Friday, what you sell is
NOT an impulse purchase, and it’s not sub one hundred
In other words personal training and boot camps can’t
be advertised, marketed, or promoted like most other
businesses because they don’t meet the criteria for
“traditional marketing” which are…
1. The product or service is an impulse purchase
2. The product or service is under $100 bucks
What you sell is something that requires folks to make
an informed and educated decision ONLY AFTER they
know, like, and trust you.
So the magic formula is this…
make your training programs fit the traditional marketing
criteria by promoting and marketing front end offers that
are short in duration and under $100 in price.
I’ve tested this out extensively and found front end programs
under $100 get the best response.
For example the 14 Day Fat Furnace Program (which you
can swipe from here) is a perfect example of a “front end”
It’s a three a email sequential promotion that’s short in duration
and low in price – perfect front end offer.
The same is true for the the 21 Day Rapid fat Loss Program
and the 28 Flat Belly Formula – both of which you can swipe
from my blog PTPower.com (just search for them in the search
If you have an email list these promotions will produce serious
paid leads for you.
In fact these short term, sub $100 programs have worked
really well in print ads and postcards too (as long they are
going to qualified people).
I have one coaching client who emailed out the 14 Day Fat
Furnace program to prospects and customers of other
businesses like hair salons, health food stores, and day
spas – he killed it!
In fact he told these “host” businesses that they can keep
100% of the front end money – all he wanted was the
qualified lead…
…and when someone PAYS for one of these programs that
makes them VERY qualified.
See, the thing is, you shouldn’t care about the money from
these front end offer anyway.
That’s just gravy.
In fact, our Fit Body Boot Camp owners just use that front
end money to deliver more love to the new short term clients
by giving them stuff like t-shirts, coffee mugs, and FBBC
rubber bracelets during the promo period…
…you know, the ultimate client experience – in addition to
amazing workouts…
…and that makes it a whole lot easier to up-sell these new
folks who are on these short term promo programs into
long term, full price paying clients.
It’s all about the front end offer man, or woman
That’s the magic formula.
Here’s another example of using front end offers to
get folks into your program and then convert them into
log term paying clients.
We have a really good relationship with GroupOn.
In fact FBBC is GroupOn’s #1 selling fitness training
program which allows us to pretty much run national
promotions for our locations anytime we want.
For us, these promotions are all front end offers that
drive leads into FBBC locations where we treat them
like any other client, give them the ultimate experience,
and convert over 30% of them into long term paying
That’s W-A-Y better than trying to make money from
the actual deal of the day promo and automatically
assuming that these folks are “tire kickers” – which
they most certainly are not.
That’s the “Magic Formula”…
low barrier, short term, sub one-hundred dollar offers
that get them in and gives you the opportunity to build
the know, like, trust and WOW! factor.
And as long as you have a solid conversion process in
place you’re going to get a good number of these folks to
convert into log term, full price paying clients.
I’ll be going in-depth when I teach this stuff at the sold out
Fitness Business Summit in a couple weeks, so if you’re
one of the 500 plus fitness pros registered to attend on
March 8, 9, and 10 be prepared to get your learn on!
Committed to your success,
[jbox color=”green” width=”500″ icon=”http://super-trainer.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/unknown.png” title=”UNHAPPY FBBC FRANCHISE OWNER”]
OK, so as you read above he says not to worry about the upfront money from a Daily Deal. This is his “mindset” spin on this and if it were not for the fact that many of us started with nothing….running our camps out of cheer facilities and karate facilities…..doing what we could to get equipment and everything else we need to build a business from NOTHING…. I would almost agree with him. It’s just that the Deal Buyers ARE SEVENTY PERCENT DEAD BEATS AND TIRE KICKERS. Sure we get a 30% turn over but The ONLY problems I ever have in my business are with Daily Deal buyers and they are a pain in the god damn ass! So NOT worth dealing with for FREE! The ONLY thing that makes running a deal worth it is the fact that we can get a bit of up front cash to make dealing with these fuckers worth the time we spend with them. As you can also see from the above email B now has control over when and how often Groupon will run us FBBC owners. This does not sit well with me. Deals have been how I have been growing and getting massive leads and putting the money in my pocket that I need to grow. I am now over it. I’ll be building my own brand and running JV’s with other local boot camps so that I can help my friends and other trainers in my area who actually give a shit about people.
[jbox color=”blue” width=”500″ icon=”http://super-trainer.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/sam_super_original60x60.png” title=”SAM”]
Wow wow. Bro that’s f***ing CRAZY
It seems like FBBC now not only controls when and how the Groupon will run (they wouldn’t let individual franchisees do their own) and Groupon reps tell the Franchisees they have to go through the corporate office
They also keep the money. I think that’s very unethical. They only give the poor Franchisees 12.5% of the vouchers that are redeemed and nothing from the ones that don’t redeem.
They say that their franchisees shouldn’t worry about the front end offer?
Really….. Really…….
This needs to stop.
They are the small business owners, working their asses off everyday.
They front end offer is THOUSANDS of dollars that can potentially go in their pockets to feel their family and help their business.
The “Headquarters” should give them their money.
After all what are they paying the $497 per month for?
How many different ways are these guys going to find to “extract” money from poor fitness trainers who work their asses off all day.
I am making a stand on this. To the powers that maybe at FBBC please give your franchisees their Groupon money.
I myself have used front end Groupon/Daily deal money to build many businesses. Your franchisees need a chance doing the same.
[jbox color=”green” width=”500″ icon=”http://super-trainer.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/unknown.png” title=”UNHAPPY FBBC FRANCHISE OWNER”]
I know! I’m pissed! I have no idea why he thinks he should run deals for us and then take a cut like its a fucking favor to us!
[jbox color=”blue” width=”500″ icon=”http://super-trainer.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/sam_super_original60x60.png” title=”SAM”]
Your message really, really tripped me out last night. I honestly can’t imagine why you as a small business owner wouldn’t get a GROUPON deal. It’s ridiculous.
I think trainers need the $$$ more than anyone. Aren’t they getting paid monthly not enough that they have to find another way to”extract” money from people. F*** man, when is it going to stop. I have heard this before from others that they keep the money and now they control the run as well. F****** ridiculous bro.
I know you have been a very good loyal customer of them and it’s a shame they keep finding ways to run over people to make $$$. It frankly makes me sick to my stomach. I don’t understand what is the $497 per month for? A website???
It is sad. Truly sad. FBBC is just smoke and mirrors. Leaving them was the best decision ever.
Are they good franchises?
Good stuff Sam I appreciate you speaking out on that guy! I’ve been saying for years that Bedros reminds me of a used car salesman! I have a FBBC competitor close by our training studio and we are kicking his ass! He was so cocky when he signed up with FBBC and I guess he felt they were going to put us under. Funny thing is my business has never been better since they came to town!
In any case, my point is that I know that guy lacks some serious integrity he brainwashes his little “disciples” into believing he’s some guru savior when in reality he’s short of a con man! I’ve been buying business products from guys Pat Rigsby and Chris Mccombs for years now and now yourself! I can honestly say I see the difference in the integrity and quality form you guys stuff and from his bullshit products!
I appreciate your forth coming ways and integrity in brining this stuff to light that’s big for me!! Anyway that’s my rant! Continued success to you sir and way to be brave enough to expose those vultures like Bedros that are like cancers in our industry! Props to you sir!!
There are some issues with the tactic, but why hasn’t he already parted ways.
I take issue with this guy as he seems to slander his franchise, but also the very prospects that grace his doors. He calls them f%#s but they are people, 30% who are customers and 100% who bought his shit sight unseen. If he is that disrespectful towards opportunity all the products and coaching in the world wouldn’t help. Don’t run the promo if you don’t respect the opportunity. A few more $$ from the deal or FBBC won’t make up for a bad attitude towards prepaid prospects.
Sorry, I’m not all in agreement with this rant. It may get some response from the various people who are disgruntled but misses maybe a fatal flaw in the approach of the operator.
He can’t “slander” anything when he is telling the truth. FBBC does take groupon money.
I agree it might not be the best idea to talk negatively about prospects, but it might be that his frustrations increase because he is making no money off of them.
I don’t think daily deal buyers are tire kickers. Daily deals have been really good for my business and have added a lot of clients. BUT it certainly is easier dealing with large volumes of random people when you are least being paid to do so. I know it is technically an opportunity since they are free leads, but why should the franchise keep any of the money to begin with? If you want an opportunity to deal with free leads, then go run a free month trial, not a Daily deal.
By the way. I believe the FBBC corporate office has control when the deals are ran, not the franchisee. So I don’t know if he has any say whether is is ran or not. FBBC deals used to be run independently back when it was a license but now that they are franchised, the owners don’t have as much autonomy nor do they have the ability to collect any significant money from the deal.
Why does FBBC only pay out 12.5% of the deal money? Why not 25% At least that would make some sense regarding a balance between FBBC signing the deal, and the franchisee delivering the service. So how “prepaid” are these prospects???
I agree the opportunity needs to be respected, but why can’t it go both ways? Why can’t the franchise respect the guy that is keeping them in business and offer him a bigger cut?
People can have bad attitudes because they are negative in general. Or people can have bad attitudes when someone is putting their hands in their pockets. Which is it? So many people have negative things to say about this franchise, and when you compare it to other fitness franchises it falls horribly short. It’s not wrong to have a bad attitude about something that needs to change. This whole idea about always being positive doesn’t apply when someone is screwing you over. If you stay positive when someone screws you over, then you are a doormat.