Book Recommendation

Book Recommendation

[jbox color=”blue”]This past weekend… I finally had a chance to catch up on some reading. I picked up Eric Thomas’s “The Secret To Their Success” I literally couldn’t put the book down. (even though my 3 year old princess kept...
Paying Your Dues In The Fitness Industry

Paying Your Dues In The Fitness Industry

[jbox color=”blue”]Becoming a successful Personal Trainer is not as easy as completing an online trainer certification. I don’t know what it is with a large majority of new trainers feeling like they are entitled to overnight success simply because they...
THE Hiring Process

THE Hiring Process

[jbox color=”blue” icon=”” title=””] After 15 years of owning my own fitness businesses I finally stumbled upon the most important step. And yeah, I know...


I am often asked…. [jbox color=”yellow” width=”500″ icon=”” title=””] Sam, what do you do when a client wants to cancel.       [/jbox]...