Most of what we fear is all in our head.
Now as a reader of Super-Trainer, you’re very well aware that I offer some high end programs that tackle different aspects of achieving breakthrough financial and personal success in fitness.
The new program to add to this library is STUDIO START-UP. This program will show you how to open your own high-end, high-earning training studio, and do it for under $5,000.
My process for reaching the top as a trainer was to learn from the best of the best. In creating and selling high-end programs, I’ve taken the same approach as well.
One of the guys I’ve (indirectly) learned from in this area is legendary direct response copywriter Joe Sugarman. You may know Joe as the creator of Blue-Blocker sunglasses …
And there’s one passage I remember reading from one of Joe’s books that really struck a nerve with me; I think it completely sums up a major problem I hear about from a lot of trainers. It’s their apprehension with stepping up and doing the things to take control of their training careers.
I think with the release of STUDIO START-UP, it would be great to share this anecdote from Joe. And after it, you’ll find some more info about STUDIO START-UP.
To get the full scoop on the program visit the sales site at: mytrainingstudio.com
Special Excerpt From Advertising Secrets Of The Written Word by Joe Sugarman
Limiting beliefs will keep even the most powerful animal chained up for a lifetime.
Have you ever looked at a circus elephant anchored to the ground?
If you have, you might notice that the elephant has a metal collar around its leg to which is attached to a small chain. And the small chain is attached to a small wooden peg driven into the ground. Pretty good protection?
Pretty lousy, if you ask me. That 12,000-pound elephant could very easily pick up its foot and with one fell swoop, yank the peg out of the ground and walk away. But the elephant
doesn’t. Why? I’ll explain.
When that elephant was still a baby, that same collar and chain and peg were used to hold the elephant in place. The restraint was sufficient to hold the baby elephant in place even if it wanted to break away. And break away is indeed what the baby elephant tried to do.
So every day while the baby was chained up, it would pull at the chain and pull and pull until finally a cut appeared on its leg exposing the sore sensitive layers of deep skin tissue. It hurt to pull like that and soon the baby elephant, realizing the effort was both futile and painful, stopped trying to escape.
Elephants Never Forget. As the baby elephant grew older, it never forgot that bad experience with the chain and the peg. And so whenever it was anchored down in a spot, it would think, “Hell, it’s impossible to break away and besides,it hurts.”
The large elephant had what I call an “assumed constraint”.
And all of us have the same problem to one degree or another. As we’ve grown older, those hurt feelings, the feelings of inadequacy and the wrong guidance we may have received from teachers orfriends are still in our subconscious and whether we want to admit it or not, they really do affect us. If you understand the hurt and you understand the constraints we put upon ourselves, then you are better able to cope with breaking out of those assumed constraints and becoming anything you want to be and accomplishing anything you want to accomplish.
What did you think of that? Pretty deep stuff huh? And you know what, I think for a lot of people, their limiting beliefs can be something as simple as the example Joe made of the chained up circus elephant.
Breaking through these perceived mental blocks to business success is one of the drives of the STUDIO START-UP PROGRAM. The other drive is to give you a tactical blueprint to make your studio a reality, and do it on a shoestring budget. You can find out more about the program below:
What Is The Studio Start-Up Program And Why Should Every Independent Trainer Intent On Having A Long And Lucrative Fitness Career Invest In It?
Congratulations on discovering the STUDIO START-UP PROGRAM and deciding to learn more about it. This is the program that hard working trainers that want a long and lucrative career in fitness have been looking for, but hasn’t been available until now. If that’s you, this course will give you the step-by-step formula to opening your own high earning fitness studio, and do it for under $5,000.
The course achieves this mission by focusing on three factors:
1. The Start-Up Process: Trainers who purchase this course are guided through the set-up of their facility and their operating procedures. They are guided through any and all potential landmines such as finding a location, getting funding, managing start-up expenses, negotiations deals, implementing systems, and much more.
Through surveys and discussions with hundreds of personal trainers, we’ve identified the biggest hurdles stopping trainers from making the jump into opening their own facility. This was taken into consideration during the creation of this course, and is the reason why the course is so heavily devoted to coaching trainers through the entire start-up process.
Trainers owning this program can expect mastery and a thorough understanding of the start-up process of studio ownership, even if this is there very first business venture.
2. Studio Set-up: In this course we also put forth a brand new fitness studio formula. The formula is based on the use of a minimal amount of traditional equipment. It’s based on the observation of the biggest trends in both training techniques and studio set-up today. This formula allows trainers to capitalize on the latest trends in training, while simultaneously keeping their start up costs at the lowest levels possible.
Our studio layout is at the forefront of the current move toward minimalist training environments and non-traditional exercises. With many trainers today relying more heavily on kettlebells, TRX equipment, Lebert brand products, and bodyweight conditioning, going “lower budget” actually puts you at the cutting edge, while saving considerable cash over the crippling costs of expensive gym equipment.
You will see evidence of this trend if you visit large corporate gyms such as Bally’s Total Fitness and Town Sports International Clubs (owners of the NYSC, BSC, PSC, and WSC gyms). Most of these gyms have now created designated training zones in their clubs. These sections are reserved exclusively for their training clients, who are their highest paying customers; yet these areas contain the least equipment of any other part of the gym. This brings further proof to the practicality of a minimalist gym environment. This type of environment puts the emphasis on the training experience, rather than prohibitively expensive equipment. This is good news for the trainer who is looking to open their facility with a minimum of up front costs.
Owners of the STUDIO START-UP course are taught to use their minimalist gym environments as a “positioning strategy” to command industry leading rates and customer loyalty while still keeping start-up costs extremely low. This is one of the ways the primary mission of this program, to show trainer how to create a successful high end studio on their first time out and do it for under 5K, is achieved; by showing them how to spend the least amount of money up front, but still command the highest rates at the same time.
In addition the course also puts forward an advanced structure for the administration of your training sessions. This system is meant to allow the owner of the program to manage the business exclusively, and delegate day to day training activities to their staff. We leave it entirely up to the studio owner to decide there role in the day to day training, but have constructed our system to allow them to entirely delegate those tasks if they so desire.
3. Advanced marketing strategies: This course also goes places heavy emphasis on marketing strategies, which are essential for the success and longevity of a high-earning fitness business. The approach that is taugt is direct response marketing, which is the science of measuring advertising expenditures versus total client value, to determine an exact formula for a consistent and predictable flow of qualified prospects. The leading offline and online, paid and free advertising methods are covered in depth. Among them are postcards, print ads, google advertising, facebook advertising, daily-deal websites, joint ventures, and craigslist ads.
However, as most successful fitness business owners (and most small business owners in general) will tell you, there are usually just one or two marketing channels that work perfectly for their specific business and bring them the majority of their leads. The owner of this program is guided through the process of discovering what that channel will be for them.
In addition to marketing tactics already mentioned, there is a tremendous emphasis on customer psychology in the program. Understanding customer psychology is without a doubt the most important part of the marketing process. Owners of this program will gain this knowledge by learning how customers search for training services, what their decision making criteria are, and how they prefer to buy. This is all covered in extreme detail throughout this program.
With the scope of subjects covered in this program and the depth to which they are covered, this is probably the most ambitious program the fitness industry has seen to date. This is because opening a brick and mortar studio is an important step in any business owner’s career, and must be treated with utmost seriousness. The fact is without the correct base of knowledge from the outset, most fitness studios will fail. This course is meant to solve these issues, and by doing so allowing trainers to maximize their opportunities.
Why is this course a must for every trainer even thinking about opening their own fitness studio?
Despite the cost, uncertainty, and risk that comes with the decision to pursue a fitness studio, the fact is the benefits far outweight the downsides. For those reasons, it’s imperative for any trainer with the desire for greater income, freedom, longevity, and respectability out of their fitness career to look into the possibility of owning their own facility. To put it simply, life’s easier when you have your own place, for the following reasons:
Easier to manage employees: Gaining respect and obedience from employees is essential to the success of any business. Without it, it’s impossible to maintain the necessary standards of service without having to do all of the work yourself. If this buy-in from employees isn’t achieved, no business owner can ever expect to get the freedom from their business that they want. By having your own facility, you take advantage of the fact that all employees are conditioned to give greater respect and credibility to the owner of the facility where they are working, compared to any other work arrangement.
Easier to get compliance from customers: Getting compliance from customers on payment terms, prices, and training practices are necessary to have a business that operates easily and with maximum profits. It’s much easier to achieve all of this in a studio environment. Again, most customers are conditioned to give more respect to the owner of a facility than a trainer who is operating without one. It makes the job of retention much easier, makes the business less dependent on the business owner, and allows for service standards to be implemented and upheld. Having a facility turns any fitness business into a professional practice, which carries with it a huge shift in customer compliance and income potential.
Easier to charge higher rates: As mentioned above, in a studio environment, a client will generally tend to be less price resistance. This environment, where you are the center of attention, results in higher perceived authority for you and higher perceived value for your training.
Saves time: Having your own facility eliminates the need to commute between sessions, and helps to eliminate gaps of “dead time” during the day. This allows you to fill up every open hour with training sessions for you, and more importantly, for your staff. It also increase your income by virtue of the fact that you are no longer wasting any time. You can operate your business and ten to your marketing for every hour you decide to spend in your in studio.
Predictable training environment: Having a location of your own allows you to control all of the variables in your business. It allows you to control where you’re holding consultations, how group sessions are structured, what equipment is used, and every other factor to ensure the type of training experience that keeps clients coming back. Your own studio allows you to execute bootcamps, semi-private sessions, and have your employees run private session all out of one place.
Duplication: When you’ve mastered the management of your first location, and it’= has achieved a high level of profitability and predictability, the next natural step is to open your next location. Owning a studio gives you the opportunity to duplicate your already successful business, creating the greatest potential for rapid growth. The ease of use and low start up costs that are part of the STUDIO START-UP system make this possible.
What are the pitfalls of opening a fitness studio and how does this course help solve them?
High Startup Costs: The biggest barrier to opening a facility are the tremendous overhead costs. That is precisely the problem the STUDIO START-UP PROGRAM is meant to solve; it is designed to bring the entire project to under $5K. In addition, the program provides several funding strategies to raise all of the necessary cash immediately.
High Equipment costs: Equipment costs are also a major drawback with opening a private facility. With most commercial equipment costing between 5K all the way 15K, just a few simple pieces of equipment can grow a training studio’s start up costs to over 50K. This makes opening a facility out of the reach of the majority of trainers, and makes it nearly impossible for the facility to ever achieve immediate profitability. Our blueprint completely eliminates this pitfall by giving owners of the program a model that is both high-end and extremely economical. They can immediately overcome the financial pressures of opening a facility and have the potential to earn a substantial profit from the get-go.
Employee hiring and management headaches: Employees are one of the biggest headache for any business owner, but are absolutely necessary if you want to achieve freedom from your business by having it run without you. Much of the course is devoted to the hiring, managing, and delegating process, and the psychology behind it.
The absence of business systems: Without business systems, any fitness business will turn into chaos. Creating systems to run the marketing, training, and back-end upkeep are one of the focuses of the program.
Mindset and confidence: There’s still an entire mental and belief component to opening your first fitness facility. Despite your desire to finally have your own “gym”, knowing that you can do it is what will determine your success. This program addresses that by included a module on understanding the internal leverage points that make success possible for any trainer. Even if the thought of opening your own facility seems a little outside your comfort zone right now, this module will show you how to make yourself up to the challenge.
I’m not sure if I want to open my own facility – will this course help me decide?
While opening a facility is the primary goal for most trainers, it’s not the only option for trainers today. This course also carries tremendous value as an exploratory resource meant to help trainers accurately decide if studio ownership is right for them by illuminating the different priorities, costs, and projects ahead. For that reason a trainer still in the deciding and planning phase of opening a studio will still find tremendous value in this course.
It is true that some trainers, after owning this course, may decide they do not want to pursue a fitness studio. In that case, it is well worth the investment in the ownership of the program to make this decision, rather then wasting tens of thousands of dollars and years pursuing studio ownership, only to discover it wasn’t what they ultimately wanted. This course will give you all of the information to make your decision on whether opening a training studio is right for you, and it is well worth the investment in the program, even if you decide not to take that road.
For more even more information about the program and to order, visit the link below:
Kaiser, this was one of my favorite articles from you in a long time. Less than a year ago I was making about $250 a week working for 24 hour fitness …
Now I’m planning to open my own studio by next year. Thank you so much for all of your help and inspiration. And I’m really looking forward to the new course!
– Raquelle
As a guy that has his own gym (and a new one opening by the end of the year), I couldn’t agree with what you said here more. It’s like when I had my son – you never feel ready for something like that. If it’s something you want to do, you’ve just got to do it –
The new course looks terrific Kaiser – great work.
Good selling job here – tear it up dude.
Great post Kaiser! I can honestly say that the ball and chain is what kept me working at Bally’s for 4 years. Thanks to you, I’ll never have to work for anyone else ever again.
(feels great to be able to say that!)
Thanks a million and good luck with the program – I’m going to picking it up for sure.
Good stuff man. The new program looks killer. The best thing I’ve seen to date.
Hi kaiser – I like your new program. I just have a question on it:
Right now I’m going to school part time, but I have a business partner that might be able to help me out opening my studio with me. Do you think it’s a good time to do it now?
I looking forward to getting your opinion – thanks.
Yup – this is exactly what I’ve been waiting for – can’t wait to see it.
Awesome work Kaiser.
Hi Kaiser – I have been a long time follower of yours and love what you do. This is my first time leaving a comment on your website.
My dream has been to open a pilates studio for a long time, but I don’t see any good programs on how to do this. Let me know if your Studio Start Up Progam is a good idea for me. It looks like all of the parts of the course will work for my business. I will just need my own equipment. Let me know what you think.
Thank you.
Am I ready to open my own training studio? Definitely! Just got your new program and can’t wait to get my hands on it!
Hey Kaiser – Just picked up the program and can’t wait to check it out. thanks for putting it together. Looking forward to more from you.
This was a great quote. Looks like a good program too Kaiser. I don’t think I’m ready yet to get my own studio started.
I just got my first training job at 24 hour fitness over the summer. I recently made a career change from the telecom business and am just “getting my feet wet” as a trainer.
However I do have grand ambitions as a fitness professional. I first started working out at age 13, and have a passion to teach others.
I couldn’t be happier that I got started as a trainer, but realize I’m going to have to take it one step at a time. But thank you for making this course available. I will definitely look into it once I have a little more experience and the time is right.
Thank you.
– Bernadette Peterson
I’ll be ready soon!
Hey Kaiser! I just wanted to send you a quick update …
I got the new program – can’t wait to get it!
P.S. I finally got go through my six-figure trainer program – this has sooooooo much more stuff than the orginal. It’s amazing – thanks you so much.
I’ll be your reader and customer for life :-)
Raquelle that’s awesome. You’re really a learner and an action taker. I’m going to be contacting you soon for a guest article. I think everyone could benefit from your rapid progress and how you were able to achieve it.
That’s awesome! Count me in – I can’t wait!
I’m ready man! Can’t wait for the course to get here!
Bernadette, I just noticed your comment. Even though you’re just getting your feet wet, I think the program will help you greatly. Knowing where you’re headed is vital – it makes your progression on the road much faster and simpler.