With some of the ridiculous exercises people are doing these days, the injury re-hab market will be booming.
Hey what’s up gang – Kaiser here and I’ve got another profile for you on the new movers and shakers in the world of personal training, fitness marketing, and the fitness business today.
The guy I have on now is someone I’ve got to know online for the past few months who’s becoming a rising star in the industry, and you’d have to say he’s doing it the right way. It’s Rick Kaselj, an injury specialist in Vancouver British Columbia who runs Healing Through Movement, a fitness practice that helps clients specifically in the booming injury rehabilitation market.
As you can tell already, Rick’s done a few things right. He’s specialized his practice for one thing, which allows him to be the go to guy for a certain segment of the population (rather than an also ran trying to please everyone). And the fact that I know about him and have been in touch with him shows that he understands the value of networking in this industry.
Rick is also creator of numerous information products and maintains a highly informative blog for personal trainers, ExercisesForInjuries.com. Contributing to Rick’s success is actively networking in the fitness industry, joining mastermind groups, and learning and following the newest and latest of what’s happening in the fitness business.
I asked Rick to come on and introduce himself to us in the form of a guest article, and here’s what he sent over – enjoy:
When I opened up my email and saw an invitation from Kaiser Serajuddin for a guest article, I was blown away.
It was such an honor to be asked.
I guess opportunity comes to those that focus on the things they love and let the world know about.
Now What?
It was great to be asked to write an article, but what was I going to write about?
As I sit in my unfinished basement with my lazy dog and 12-day-old son sleeping, I have a few minutes to put keyboard to paper.
Well lets talk about – NNG.
The Hard Hitting Barbell Bending Rick Kaselj – NOT!
Reading over Kaiser’s Super-Trainer site, I wonder where I fit in.
I am NOT a young guy that wants help people get ripped or pumped.
I am NOT a former athlete that wants to train athletes become the best.
I am NOT a female that wants to help the world look and feel better.
I am a pain and injury guy.
I help people use exercise to over come their injuries so they can go back to doing what they were doing without pain.
I guess that is where I fit in the fitness industry and where my niche is.
The Canadian Way of Saying – “Niche”
My niche is injuries.
Before you say, why “injuries.”
Well let’s step back.
Do you know of anyone that does not have nagging aches, an old injury or pain?
Any one?
I didn’t think so.
We all have nagging aches, old injuries or pain.
I help people who have injuries (Pain) that are holding them back from reaching their goals (Desire).
What I mean by that is, the pain of their aches and injuries is holding them back from living their life or doing what they love.
You Are Not a Physical Therapist or a Doctor? Nope.
I am a fitness professional that gets clients that have been okayed by their doctor to start an exercise for their injury and I help them get to where they want to go.
Are You a Generalist or a Specialist?
I am a specialist.
I specialize in one thing.
I turn down everyone else or refer everyone else on.
How Can I Make a Living Being a Specialist?
Why become a specialist:
– Clients listen and follow what specialist says more than a generalist
– Clients will travel farther to see a specialist compared to a generalist
– Clients will pay more to see a specialist compared to a generalist
I may so, “No”, to the weightloss, performance or fitness client but I refer them onto other fitness professionals that can help them reach their goals.
Various Ways of Accessing Me
I see some clients one on one but I help a lot more people through my blog, books, ebooks, courses, manuals and DVDs.
I reach my client in on-on-one training but I can reach and help a lot more of my clients through all other ways of communicating.
This is done through
Read this Part and DO IT!
Be a specialist in one thing and create different way your customer can access you that is more than just face-to-face.
P.S. – Remember, you do not need permission to be a specialist, just become one.
P.S.S – What was that NNG thing:
– N – Know what you are NOT
– N – Focus on a niche
– S – Be a specialist
Rick Kaselj, MS
As you can get a feeling about just from reading the article, Rick’s a great guy and knows his stuff. Check out Rick’s site, subscribe, and find out more about his products here: ExercisesForInjuries.com.
Great article and advice!
“You do not need permission to be a specialist, just become one.”
Some people try to be everything to everyone and end up burning themselves out.
Congratulations on your career!
Your pictures are golden as always. I’ve been trying this “specializing” stuff out and I have to say there’s something to it.
Have to say I like this post. Like Rick, I’ve been specializing more on special populations, especially injury rehab. Glad to see there’s a lot of potential in it. Keep the great content coming.
Great post Kaiser! Love the new look of the site!
Rick is the best at what he does. I’ve got some of his products and they’re second to none.
Thanks for another great article!
Thanks for coming Rick – keep up the great work.
Thanks everyone.
@Ben – It is so true.
@Jason – The potential is huge. Think “Curves” – it came out of no where to service a market that was not being services.
@Greg – Thank you so much for the kind words.
@Kaiser – Thank you for the opportunity.
Rick Kaselj
When you help with injuries do you also look at the client holistically, meaning diet and exercise or do you just specialize in exercise?
Being to specialized at times can limit the clients you attract. But being too general can be just as limiting.