Today I met with our trainers at a restaurant across
from Harpo Studios. (That’s Oprah studio. Harpo is Oprah spelled backwards)

One of the first things that I asked the trainers to do was
to write down their job description.

Here is what they wrote

To Motivate Clients
To Educate Clients
To Give Great Experience to Clients
To Be The Highlight of The Client’s Day
To Inspire Clients
To Set Goals For Clients
To Genuinely Care
To Be Passionate
To Help Clients Reach Their Full Potential

After reading the above I congratulated them and told them that
I am going to give them a 10% raise for doing nothing more that
what they have described as their job description.

They all seemed very, very happy.

I then proceed to tell them what needs to happen for them
to qualify for the 10% raise each month.

I said “since we all agree that the above criteria is our job description
I am going to send a survey out on the 30th of each month to all your
clients and ask them…….”

Do you feel that the instructor motivates you?
Does your instructor take time to educate you?
How would you rate your overall experience with us?
Do you look forward to your workout session each and every time?
Would you say that your instructor inspires you to do and be your best?
Have you set goals with your instructor?
Do you feel that your instructor genuinely cares about your results?
Does your instructor know you and call you by your first name?
Would you say that you are in the right place to reach your full potential?
Would you refer a family or friend to our program?

If you get a perfect score then you qualify for 10% increase in your

The beauty of this is that you (the owner, CEO, manager, etc..) didn’t
set the rules. They did.

They described their job and set their own rules. All you’re doing here is
holding them accountable to what they described as their job description.

I encourage you to do the same in your business
and add your own twist.