Have you ever considered automating your fitness business so that you can create a reliable income source or enjoy the benefits of having continuous clients all year round? All the information that you will be learning from this article will help you in creating a recurring cash flow for your business and in increasing your client retention, giving your clients breathing space so they can focus more on their desired results rather than on their payments. This will also make it easier for their budget.
Being a personal trainer, you may have probably heard of the term electronic funds transfer or EFT. I had many experience with EFT and since I learned about the idea, I tried to know more on the easiest way to integrate it to my fitness business to make it more successful. I am proud to say that I am one of the many successful trainers these days. So, if you also want to enjoy the benefits that other eft trainersare enjoying right now with the help of electronic funds transfer, read on.
Electronic funds transfer model is without any flaws. If you are going to ask fitness trainers, they will probably tell you that EFT works with any models of fitness businesses actually and that includes bootcamps, independent trainers or fitness studios. According to top personal trainers, the only way for trainers to accomplish their desired results is to focus in the methods of marketing for their business while leaving the old ways behind. For example, you can’t market 5, 15 or 10 sessions, you can’t even market a single session or if you are running a bootcamp, you are unable o sell a 4-weeks package. In these cases, do you still have anything else that you can offer your clients? If the answer is not, then it is clear that your business model was falling behind when it comes to progress.
For example, why are you going to sell single sessions? Your clients are not making any progress on one single session or in 10 sessions. A successful fitness business comes from a long-term effort and of course, consistency. There are few fitness sessions that will put small dents on the trainers‘ progress. Thus, it is your job, as fitness trainers, to focus on the process of building a long-term relationship with your current client. It is important that you current clients realize that they need you, eft trainers, to help them achieve their fitness goals. For bootcamp trainers, why chase new clients after you are done with your 4 weeks of boot camp? This is an old selling method that will hinder the success of any fitness business without the trainers even noticing it. Think about how much change you need and try to integrate it for new clients.
These are the simple tips that integrating electronic funds transfer to your fitness business can help in your business success.