So this morning….

I overheard one of our clients say.

“today I get to cheat”

Of course I knew exactly what she was talking about.

But chose to play it dumb.

I asked “Cheat on what”

She said “cheat on my diet”

I then replied “oh wow, do you also get a cheat day”

She said “Cheat day???”

Well yeah “cheat on your wife/husband day”

(I wanted to get a reaction out of her. I know I’m evil ;)

She then looked at me like I was nuts.

She replied “of course not”.

That’s what I thought.

We wouldn’t dare think about cheating on our spouses.

Because we are committed to our RELATIONSHIP with our spouse.

[font family=”Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif” size=”20″ color=”DE0202″ textshadow=”3″ alignment=”center” weight=”bold” style=”normal” lineheight=”110″]Commitment = Relationship[/font]


When we commit ourselves to a healthy lifestyle

It simply means we are building a relationship with exercise and nutrition.

I guess the best way I can describe it is this…..

Your diet is a lot like your relationship with your spouse.

[font family=”Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif” size=”20″ color=”DE0202″ textshadow=”3″ alignment=”center” weight=”bold” style=”normal” lineheight=”110″]YOU CAN’T CHEAT ON IT AND EXPECT IT TO WORK.[/font]

Having said that…..

What about variety.

Oh yes…


We do need variety don’t we?

There are millions of ways to spice up your diet without adding unnecessary calories.

I guess the same thing can be said about spicing up your marriage.

(I recommend Dr. Ruth or Dr. Phil and NOT Jerry Springer)
Side note: I just shave my beard off once in a while and my wife thinks she has a new boy friend.
OK, too much information.

So let’s make a deal…..

Next time you think about that muffin, menudo, etc….

Ask yourself….

Am I willing to break up my family over this…

The answer is of course no.

Just something to think about.
