[youtube PrRwu26fgJ8]

Hey. How about that, huh? Pretty fancy. Well, you can get your own at Fiverr.com, five bucks. Pretty epic. I watch it a bunch of times. So I liked it, five bucks, worth it.

Anyway, I’m here on Super-Trainer and I’m just like – I guess I’m like going to give you all some tips and stuff today. So try to pay attention and I will help you out a little bit. So what I’m going to show you is actually a pretty cool way to do some referral stuff to promote your referral program if you have one because you should have one because they say referrals are the cheapest way to get new clients. But referrals also could be difficult sometimes and it’s hard to actually get referrals because of the way that you promote your referral program. It might be through like an email or internet or with the page on your website but what I do is I have all those things too like the email. I promote with my email and my website but I also use my in-hand method that I came up with which has been working out pretty good. Basically how it works is I make a little flyer and I put everything about my referral program on here.

So it says, “Get your boot camp for free,” and explains that if you refer three new people to the next session, then you will get your free boot camp. Now, if you just hand this to somebody, it might seem kind of salesy or whatever but I figured out a way to not make it so kind of salesy.

So the cool thing is I gave this to all of my clients once a week on Thursday or Friday and the way I do that is I put some content on the backside of it. So basically what I do is I put some weekend homework. What I’m going to do, I give them a really nice little workout, a little nutrition tip at the bottom and it gives me an excuse or a reason to give them a piece of paper with my referral program and they’re getting this every week. They’re getting it.

So I’m kind of like hitting them a lot with this and I’m trying to really promote this because I know that just to keep this way, you can get a new client through referrals and so the way that I can help promote my referral program is by giving them some content with the referral program on the back.

Now, it’s cool because when you do that, you do it in that way, it doesn’t come off very salesy and it doesn’t come off desperate either. It just comes off like you’re looking cool, like you’re a honey badger. You just don’t give a shit. You’re just like giving some shit, some cool shit like some workouts and then you’re like promoting your business at the same time. Pretty cool.

I don’t see many businesses doing anything like that. If anything, they just kind of make more money. They don’t actually help the clients out by giving them really cool content that can actually help them out and they will appreciate a lot.

A lot of my clients actually look forward to this piece of paper, believe it or not, which is great. So I’m more than happy to print a bunch of these up and give them out every weekend as a little homework assignment.

Now, I will give you another little tip. It’s that the way I get to print these things up is I go to FedExKinkos.com and I just upload this file that I created. I can create it with Windows Microsoft and export it as a PDF file, upload it to KinkosFedEx.com, if you got one of those in your area and then you go to Google and then search for “coupons FedEx Kinko” and normally you can find some coupon where you get 15 percent off your order and what you do when you purchase your order online – basically what I do is submit the order and then they fulfill it and I go pick it up at Kinkos and I actually get it cheaper than if I would go there and just do it myself when [0:04:38] [Indiscernible]. So everything is all done for me. I just got to go there and pick it up. They do it for me and I get a discount.

So, that’s basically it. I hope you enjoyed this. Oh yes, one more thing. A lot of people have been asking me about where I got my Justin Bieber shirt and Zach Even-Esh, he has been really emailing me like everyday, wanting to know where I got it and Hot Topic. Zach, you can get yours at Hot Topic and probably extra large. You’re a pretty big, tire-flipping dude so I can hook you up over there too. That’s it. I look forward to giving you some more tips next time on Super-Trainer.

Jonas “Honey Badger” Deffes