Dear fellow trainer, are you tired of …
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Waking up at ungodly hours or working til late at night just to babysit someone that’s too lazy to work out on their own? |
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Feeling more like a valet or a butler than a personal trainer? |
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Wondering how many more years you can go on doing the same thing with the same people? |
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Once loving to work out and go to the gym, but now dreading to step foot inside of one? |
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No matter what you do, realizing that at the end of the day, you’ll never be more than just “the help”? |
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Getting so exhausted you can’t stay in shape yourself, and feeling like a complete hypocrite because of it?
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Tired of your clients getting frustrated with you because they don’t have any self control? |
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Coming home emotionally drained from listening to other people’s problems? |
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Gritting your teeth, pretending to be interested in the boring stories that your clients have to tell you? |
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So bored to death in most training sessions you want to stab your eyes out? |
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Your gym or training studio has become your prison and you feel yourself dieing a slow death? |
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Having absolutely no real savings or real income after you pay your bills. In all honesty, you’re relying on credit cards to stay afloat?
If any or heaven forbid ALL of that describes you, you’re not alone.
That’s the reality for most personal trainers, and the training business in general. The rules are fixed against you, to have you eventually burnt out from and hating something you once loved, with no actual money left to show for it.
I’ve heard this same story and the same complaints from trainers at the bottom, all the way to trainers at ver the top making millions a year – you would think they were happy, but believe it or not, they all want out!
Hi, my name is Kaiser Serajuddin, and probably just like you I thought the road to happiness in fitness was growing a big training business. So that’s what I did, and it worked for a while – I was making over $100,000 a year, and according to most people, I was a “success”.
But once I got that level, one thing became really clear to me – I knew that no matter how good I got at it, training wasn’t going to give me the type of money, enjoyment, or lifestyle I wanted.
If you’re anything like me, then you might feel the same way too.
You don’t want to be tied to one location, tied down to clients, and waiting for a two week vacation like someone that has a boring desk job.
You don’t want to have to pretend to be nice to people just because they’re paying you.
You don’t have to be around needy, out of shape people that suck the life out of you with their problems and complaints.
After just a couple of years of this, I found out I was losing touch with myself and my own wants, goals, and motivations.
But lucky for me, one day completely by accident, I found a solution – I discovered online fitness.
What I realized is that you could use the internet to get clients in ways that you couldn’t do in the real world. That it’s actually much easier to get clients online, and you can get exactly the clients you want and make much more money from them.
The first thing I did was use this knowledge to attract a bunch of high-level clients that could pay me the most money so I didn’t have to work all the time anymore.
But at a certain point, I didn’t want to trade my time for money, and only get paid for the hours that I was physically standing there and working. Even if you have employees like I did, bossing them around will leave your more drained than your actual training sessions.
That’s when I made the second big jump in my fitness career – into online fitness. That’s fitness coaching programs, e-books, and other virtual products you can sell online without you physically being there, or have other people sell for you. They allow you to give your fitness knowledge to an unlimited number of clients that you never have to meet, and sell them around the world and around the clock.
Now I have to admit this transition wasn’t easy for me.
I had two major things standing in my way ..
I had to first take the big step and believe that it was possible for me to really make money from fitness without physically seeing clients. I had to believe that I could make money without physically showing up somewhere, putting up with other people and their crap, all of just a measly paycheck which was nothing close to what I needed to live the type of life I wanted.
Is it really possible to find customers and sell them fitness info online?
Can this really happen on autopilot?
Can I really do it from anywhere in the world?
That might be the biggest barrier standing in your way now too – that you have to understand that it’s really possible for you to make hundreds of thousands, or even millions of dollars from the internet from fitness, and live the lifestyle you want. Most people never accept or believe this fact, and because of it they never take action.
The second major step was actually finding the right information and getting over that buyer’s resistance and paying for it. That’s the major hurdle we all face, it’s to discover the program you are looking for, and actually getting off of your butt and taking out your credit card, and making the investment into yourself and the life you deserve.
The truth is that most people, no matter how much they want out of life, how badly they want it, and how unhappy they are with their current situation, won’ take the slightest steps to change it, even if they find exactly the type of information and opportunity they were looking for and they hope existed, and it was right in front of their face right now.
But once I overcame those two barriers, it was a that point that everything started to change for me.
And by change, I mean completely transform. I could make money while I slept, and when I actually had to “work”, it could be from anywhere I wanted, and whenever I wanted. I could finally throw out my alarm clock. I could live “off of the grid”, without any of the stress, headaches, problems, and issues that everyone else has to go through.
Things like sitting in traffic, waiting on lines, dealing with bosses, or putting up with other people’s crap are a long forgotten nightmare to me (in a minute, I’m going to tell you how they can be ancient history for you too).
After taking the time to figure out what I was doing and put the systems in place, things have exploded. I’ve made over $1,000/day on autopilot with lifting a finger so many times I can hardly count (as I’m writing this, yesterday was another one).
And those are just my own numbers – some of my clients and students have gotten to similar levels in a much shorter period of time.
Here are just a few of my typical sales figures from me and some of my clients and partners:

I could list stats like that going down this entire page, but my goal isn’t to brag or impress you.
I just wanted to let you know that I followed the same road from where you may be right now to the point where I get to live the type of life and do the type of things in the fitness business that very few people can even imagine.
Since then I’ve gone into a new type of business – I’ve become the most sought out consultants in the field of selling fitness online. I now work with some of the A-list names in the business on getting their online projects off the ground.
Here’s what some of the absolute top people in the business had to say about me and my services (these are all actual consulting clients or partners of mine):
“Kaiser and Super-Trainer.com will take you and your product to levels you never imagined.”
The internet marketing field is growing at a tremendous rate. There are so called experts that say they know what they’re doing and there are experts that KNOW what they’re doing. Kaiser knows what he’s doing. He takes the complication out of internet marketing and makes success imminent for those new to the internet marketing world. If you think success isn’t possible, Kaiser and Super-Trainer.com will take you and your product to levels you never imagined.”
Nicki Anderson
IDEA Personal Trainer of the Year
(copy doodle: named the top trainer in the country)
“Super-Trainer.com gives trainers the tools…”
What an amazing resource Kaiser and Super-Trainer.com are for success-oriented personal trainers! As editor of PFP (Personal Fitness Professional) magazine and multimedia, and as an owner of Empower Personal Fitness Studio, I’m in daily contact with trainers who are looking for insights and services to escalate what they have to offer well above their competition.
They know it is no longer acceptable to be a trainer who just delivers a workout. Instead, they must become a one-stop resource for the health and well-being of their clients. Super-Trainer.com gives trainers the tools to do that and much, much more! Thank you, Kaiser, for being instrumental in the success of so many in our industry! – Shelby Murphy, editor of PFP magazine and multimedia (www.fit-pro.com) and owner Empower Personal Fitness Studio (www.empowerfitnessstudio.com).
Shelby Murphy
Editor in Chief, Personal Fitness Professional Magazine
World’s Top Personal Training Industry Magazine
“There is no better person in the fitness industry to be your online marketing mentor than Kaiser…”
When it comes to fitness professionals building online ‘empires’, I’m something of a skeptic. For every success story there are hundreds of trainers that have tried their hand at online marketing only to fail miserably thinking that if they build it, customers will come. From my experience, to avoid being one of these casualties you need two things: you need a mentor and a plan.
There is no better person in the fitness industry to be your online marketing mentor than Kaiser and there is no better resource to help you devise your plan than Super-Trainer.com. If you’re interested in building your own online empire, Kaiser is your man.
Pat Rigsby
Fitness Business Consultant
Things have been great, and demand has been good. I now have way more people looking for my services than I can actually help, and have more money coming in than I know what to do with.
And this all happened just about a year and change from when I first made the move to learn about and explore making money in fitness online.
All of this has been wonderful, but it’s given me a small problem, one of the same problems I had when I was a trainer:
Just like when I was a trainer, I can only see a limited number of people. With my own projects, and the work I do with my clients and partners, my time is extremely limited.
On top of that, it’s only a very few people who can actually afford to pay my rates, which leaves a huge vacuum of trainers that really could use my step-by-step formula, but it may be out of their price range right now
I found a way to solve both of these problems by creating a program that any trainer can use to unlock the power of the internet, whether they’re a trainer just starting out or with a lot of experience.
Here it is:
There was a time when the only way to make money in fitness was to stand on your feet all day and see clients one at a time, hour after hour, day after day – but times have changed …
And the potential to earn six, and even seven figures from fitness is much, much greater online than it is in person, if and only if you know what you’re doing.
That’s because you can sell your training and services to the whole world all at once, not just the handful of clients you have in your area.
And you can sell products that don’t require you to be there for them to work. That frees up your time to sell more products, create new products, or my personal favorite, do nothing at all.
Imagine, getting to wake-up whenever you want, do whatever you want, and only have to see and work with the people you want to work with. And all the while, watch money “appear” in your bank account – this is all possible with the power of fitness marketing online.
This is the reality for many trainers who were once exactly in your shoes. Now, they’re earning six to seven figures in fitness online.
But behind the glamor and the success stories, there’s a reality that you’ve probably figured out already – that it’s not going to be easy.
It’s going to take learning and mastering the process of marketing of fitness online.
The good news is that this can all be learned very rapidly when, and only when, you have the right info in your hands.
There’s a formula to it – a step by step system you can follow that will take you from wherever you are now, to achieving complete mastery with everything that goes into creating an online fitness business.
BIG-MONEY ONLINE FITNESS will take you step-by-step through the entire process of creating an online fitness business.
It’s not the kind of program that drops an overwhelming amount of information on your lap all at once. With BIG-MONEY ONLINE FITNESS, you’ll get a new lesson every week for 10 weeks, with a series of action steps you can take to start getting results.
Then the next week, you’ll get a new lesson that picks up where the last one left off, for the rest of your 10 weeks.
By the end you will have mastered everything there is to know about online fitness marketing. And if you followed all of the steps, your online business will be up and running and your transition to making big money online will be complete.
What you’ll find from your very first weekly lesson is that this is the highest value, highest impact course and information resource you’ve ever gotten your hands on.
Here you’ll learn that it’s actually much simpler to attract clients and customers online than it is in the “real world”. These clients never have to meet you or see you and you never have to meet or see them. On top of that, you have the whole world to sell your fitness to, not just the people that happen to show up to your gym.
Can you imagine the possibility of your entire fitness business being online? That means whenever you are actually “working” it can be from anywhere in the world – from a beach, a cruise-ship, or from home in your pajamas – anywhere.
And here’s one other major thing that will become clear to you – that this information can literally change your life. You’ll be able to point to the moment when the way you viewed the world, your place in it, and what was possible was never the same again.
I know that’s a lot to promise – but that’s EXACTLY what this program is built to deliver.
Getting started is incredibly easy.
You can now get started with your first week for FREE.
For taking the action and the steps to get to this point, I know you’re one of the special few who will really use this information, and start to see immediate results from it.
That’s why I’m going to take away all of the pressure or hesitation in owning it.
Just click the link at the bottom of the page, and you can get started today and pay nothing now.
You will get your first one-hour lesson, along with your printed (PDF) materials, and your cash expanding tips and inspiration through the week to keep you on track to your goal of the money and lifestyle you want.
Experience your first WEEK of the program for free, and following weeks will be billed at only $47 per week for the next 9 weeks. You’ll find the information in each weekly lesson could be packaged and sold separately for over $300.
This ONE WEEK FREE TRIAL is a special ONE-TIME OFFER that I’m making to you right now – once you leave this page, it will be gone forever.
I know there’s only one possible thing that could leave you wondering right now:
What if it doesn’t work? If that’s what you were thinking, you don’t have to worry.
If for any reason you’re not satisfied with THE BIG-MONEY ONLINE FITNESS program at any point, you can get a full, no questions asked refund.
That means that in the 1st week or the 10th, if you’ve decided the program didn’t live up to the hype, if it didn’t transform how you look at your training business, and if it didn’t literally transform your life, just let me know. I can’t go into your head and take back the information you’ve learned, but I ethically do not want to keep your money if you aren’t thrilled with the BIG-MONEY ONLINE FITNESS program.
All you have to do now is get started by clicking the link below. We will immediately deliver your first week’s lesson for free.
And that’s not all – I have a few more extremely high value gifts I want to give you that will make your road to unlimited wealth even faster and easier:
You’ll also get the SIX-FIGURE E-BOOK program showing EXACTLY how to create and launch an e-book to the tune of multiple six-figures.
Can you really imagine writing a simple book that you sell online and making over a hundred thousands of dollars from it, sometimes in just a matter of days? Well thousands of people have done it, and in this DVD that will be shipped to your home, you’ll learn exactly how to do it too.
This DVD holds nothing back – you’ll get over one hour of step-by-step information, where I take you deep inside an actual six-figure e-book launch. You’ll learn:
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How to get big name affiliates to sell your book for you |
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How to launch your e-book to the tune of multiple six-figures |
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How to create an e-book in the least amount of time humanly possible
This DVD is without a doubt the most condensed, most useful, and most valuable information on launching a multi-six-figure e-book available anywhere on the web. Because of the special nature of the information on this DVD, I don’t feel comfortable putting it on the web. It will be mailed to your home, and you can get it right here, right now – and here’s the best part …
The SIX-FIGURE E-BOOK is also yours for FREE!
This full-length DVD will be mailed to your home in less than one week, guaranteed, and you don’t even have to pay for shipping! Yes this is the exact same program that I sold over 100 copies at $250 each – the entire thing is yours free.
I’ll also give you the entire super-trainer archives interview series.

SUPER-TRAINER ARCHIVES are a series of interviews I did with some of top people in the fitness business. Some of these people have NEVER provided an interview before, but they came to my blog to share some of their most closely guarded secrets. Among them are 50 Cent’s Personal Trainer, Jennifer Lopes’ trainer, and the world’s top fitness marketer who recently made $250,000 in one hour!
Other programs with just a few of the interviews I have here have sold for hundreds of dollars – with this program, it’s all yours for right now for free (this set is an immediate download that you will get the second you start your free trial).
And you’ll get one more amazing gift …
You’ll get one month of free access to the SUPER-TRAINER MASTERMIND FORUM.
Here, you’ll get complete access to me and other top-notch, world class fitness marketers, along with exclusive daily content. Get industry gossip, product revues, and other extremely high-value insider information. You can talk to other fitness marketers and get real time access to the community. You can talk to other people in your same shoes, and also get to talk to me as I guide you to success in the business.
What’s the value of this kind of information? Its hard to say – with its special nature, probably at least into the thousands of dollars – email coaching with me alone costs nearly $1,500/month, and I currently have a waiting list.
But you’ll get one month of access now for FREE (future months of the Super-Trainer Mastermind Forum access will be easy payments of only $17 per month for access to the only fitness marketing community in the world).
Just added: one more exclusive, high value bonus.

Ok, I’m putting myself on the line here, but I’m going to add one more high value bonus to this offer that is going to push you over the edge and make your project explode.
For a limited time you will get on coaching session with me after your 10 weeks so we can work together in crafting your plan and strategy and start your online venture. This will be the final piece in putting all of the info you learned together and launching you forward toward your new online fitness business and your new life away from people you don’t want to be around.
This coaching session will be held immediately after your 10 week program is completed. People usually pay between $750-$1500 to get to speak to me 1-2 times a month about their projects. But for taking action now, getting the program, and going through it, it would be my pleasure to working with you personally and guiding you into another glowing success story.
(Because of the volume of orders this bonus may be removed from this page without notice.)
At this point, I know there’s one question going through your mind, and I’m thinking it a little bit myself – why am I giving this much exclusive, high-value ,money making information away for FREE?
There’s no way this won’t sound like hype, but it must be said – the BIG-MONEY PROGRAM, SIX-FIGURE E-BOOK DVD, and MASTERMIND ACCESS you are getting above is the most advanced, cutting-edge, and valuable information on making money online with fitness available in the world today …
That would leave me wondering “why can I get started with all of it for free right now”?
There’s a simple answer to that which should make sense – it’s because I want you as informed as possible about the REAL potential in online fitness marketing. That’s the business I’m in, so the more informed you are about it, and the more players there are in this game that are making money, the more opportunities there are for me in this field as well.
I know once you start making money with the information you will find here, you’ll never go back to standing on your feet all day, dealing with pain-in-the-ass clients for peanuts again.
So consider this FIRST WEEK OF THE PROGRAM, AUDIO SET, DVD, and MASTERMIND access as my investment in your education about the potential of making money online through fitness, and the start of a long relationship where I’ll serve you with the most cutting-edge information on fitness marketing in the world today.
One more time, here’s a summary of everything you get …
To get started with the BIG-MONEY ONLINE FITNESS for FREE simply click the link below. Pay Nothing Now and Enjoy The First Week , With Your Next 9 Weeks At Only $47/Week (full satisfaction guarantee – cancel any time).
Also get your amazing SIX-FIGURE E-BOOK DVD mailed to you absolutely FREE – you pay NOTHING for shipping and handling.
Also get your complete SUPER-TRAINER ARCHIVES audio series, where you will get interviews with 15 of the biggest names in the fitness industry. These precious audios will be given to you immediately after you begin your free trial of this program.
Plus as a bonus you’ll get ONE FULL MONTH of access to the MASTERMIND FORUM absolutely free, with future months for only $17.
Plus you get your special PRIVATE STRATEGY SESSION with me once you’re done with your course. This has only ever been available to my high priced coaching clients, but for a very limited time can be yours once you’ve completed this course, at no cost. The money making information you get here will by itself more than pay for the entire course (note: because of volume, this bonus may be removed at any time).

So let’s review:
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This is a special ONE-TIME ONLY OFFER – after you leave this page, you will never be shown this offer and bonuses again. |
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Not only do you get a free trial but you’re satisfaction is guaranteed for the entire duration of this program. |
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Your free gifts, an over $500 value, are yours to keep even if you decide to cancel at any point. |
Click the button below and get started with freeing yourself form a life of endless hours in a gym, and opening up to the world of what’s really possible in your life with fitness:
I’d like to congratulate you now for taking the action to get here and begin your process of learning about the possibilities in money, freedom, and lifestyle that come with fitness online.
And if you’ve taken the step to get started for free with this program, I want to congratulate you again for being one of the few people that’s willing to step up and do something about their situation, instead of joining the endless numbers of talkers and complainers out there not taking any action, and with none of the rewards to show for it.
The truth is that every single success story you see in the world around you is the result of someone temporarily suspending their disbelief, taking action on something new, and following through with it. If you are one of those special few willing to take a chance and believe in themselves, I have nothing but respect for you. I was once in your shoes, and took the same step to get to where I am today.
I’ve made it my goal to make this step as easy for you as possible, by letting you get started for free, backing you up by a full guarantee, and providing you the highest value information on the subject in the world today.
I’m looking forward to talking to you and working with you really soon on making your wildest dreams in fitness a reality. Again, congratulations.
Kaiser Serajuddin
P.S. As you can see I’ve taken a lot of time to tell you what’s in this program, and that’s because nothing like this program, with this level of step-by-step detail on how to make a big-money online in the fitness business, has never been offered before. But you don’t have to believe me – you can get the first week of the program absolutely free, and you’re backed by a full money-back guarantee.
P.P.S Not only that, but if for any reason you’re not happy you can keep your over $500 gifts of valuable money-making gold. All of the audios, the DVD that we are mailing to you that has previously sold out at over $250, and your free month of access to the MASTERMIND is all yours to use and enjoy, use, and learn from, even if you decide to cancel. We’re putting ourselves on the line here because we know you’ll be completely blow away and your income potential will be unleashed by what you learn in this program.
P.P.P.S. They say the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result. If you’re not happy with what you’re doing now, feel like you have much more to offer to the world, and feel like you can be doing and making much more, then here’s your chance to do something about it.
P.P.P.P.S. This is a one-time offer, and isn’t available anywhere else at any other time. After you leave this page you will not get these free gifts, your free trial, or the opportunity to get this much life changing and money making information in your hands all at one time, ever again.
P.P.P.P.P.S. If you still have any questions just email support@super-trainer.com.
To get started, simply click the button below:
GoHard Fitness Inc.
244 5th Avenue Suite K222
New York, NY 10001
If you have any questions, please email support@super-trainer.com.
GoHard Fitness Inc. makes no promises, assurances or guarantees about earnings or income potential. Results may vary and are dependant upon the actions of the owner.