(Value: Over $2,000 Yearly)
No matter how hard you try or how bad you want it, nothing happens over-night …
It’s going to take the right support system to carry you all the way to six-figures and beyond – and as part of your licensing program, we’re going to give it to you.
As a special added feature you will get access to the Licensing Members Community. Here you’ll get detailed video tutorials on every part of using your new high-end website, as well as information on marketing and running your training business.
Even if you don’t know anything right now about running your training business, it will all be explained to you:
? Maintain and upgrade your website: everything from writing a blog post to adding testimonials is covered.
? Technical support issues like recording and uploading video to your site, formatting graphics, and designing sales pages are all explained to you.
? Learn to use an auto-responder to build your lead list and easily stay in touch with past and present clients.
? The most effective ways to market your training business and get the most bang for your money and effort are all covered.
? Strategies to delegate your repetitive business tasks, so you have more time to do what you want.
? Question submission area: get new video lessons based on your own questions and feedback.
Included are:

EXCLUSIVE MEMBERS CONTENT: The members area consists of dozens of individual video lessons. These lessons cover every single topic related to starting up and marketing your training business. These range from technical issue like how to post Craigslist ads, to business issues such as how to delegate repetitive work to virtual assistants so you don’t have to do it.

AUTO-RESPONDER MAGIC: In this lesson you will learn the simple techniques to creating an auto-responder program for your training business. Learn to set-up and insert your web sign up form, how to program emails, and how to send “blasts” to your large list of subscribers.

DONE FOR YOU START-UP: The start-up phase with your training business can be the most painful. A training business is like a rocket ship – it takes a lot of force to achieve lift-off, but can then cruise on it’s own indefinitely on auto-pilot. In this lesson, you’ll be able to solve many of the issues with starting up your training business, from placing your first advertisements, to opening a successful studio on a shoestring budget.
Also included are how set-up automatic billing in your training program, how to search engine optimize all the pages of your website, and how to use social media to grow and market your training business, plus many, many more.
ATTENTION! Just added, the most comprehensive course on online fitness marketing you’ll ever get your hands on:
BIG-MONEY ONLINE FITNESS:Imagine, getting to wake-up whenever you want, do whatever you want, and only have to see and work with the people you want to work with. And all the while, watching money “appear” in your bank account – this is all possible with the power of fitness marketing online.
This is the reality for many trainers who were once exactly in your shoes. Now, they’re earning six figures online with fitness. But behind the glamor and the success stories, there’s a reality that you’ve probably figured out already – that it’s not going to be easy.
It’s going to take learning and mastering the process of marketing fitness online. This is a completely new game with it’s own rules and framework, and just like a new client stepping into the gym, you’re going to need to find the right trainer to give you a program that you can follow to success.
The good news is that it’s possible – it can all be learned very quickly when, and only when, you have the right info in your hands. There’s a formula to it – a step by step system you can follow that will take you from wherever you are now, to achieving complete mastery with everything that goes into creating an online fitness business.
It’s all in BIG-MONEY. BIG-MONEY ONLINE FITNESS will take you step-by-step through the entire process of creating a real online fitness business.
Everything you see above and more is included here, and what’s more is it’s all free! You’ll get LIFETIME access to the Licensing Members Community and never have to pay any ongoing fees.
How is this possible?
I’m sure you’ve invested in programs in the past that talked a good talk, but left you alone with no help after you paid for it. That’s why it’s our belief that Member’s Support is an essential feature that should come with your program.
Your ARE NOT alone …
If you’ve every felt lost while running your training business, rest assured that now you are not alone. The members area will show you how to make the most use out of your license, exactly what to do to start getting results (so you aren’t running around like a chicken with it’s head cut off), and give you the confidence to know what’s possible and show you how to achieve it.
There are no ongoing fees for any part of the Super-Trainer Licensing Program. Now when it comes to taking advantage of this incredible program, there’s only one step left: click the button at the bottom of the page to learn what it is.
“Kaiser is one of the world’s top fitness consultants …”
I have been a certified Fitness & Wellness expert in NYC for 15 years and can honestly say there are very few fitness ‘professional’ I respect as much as I do Kaiser Serajuddin. Kaiser is not only New York’s leading expert in fitness, but also one of the world top fitness consultants.
If you want to be successful and learn real deal marketing strategies, I strongly encourage you to get on board with Super-Trainer.com and watch your profits soar!
Antonio Valladares
Nutrition & Lifestyle Coach
New York City, NY
Burns Sports Inc.
I’ve been teaching Internet Marketing to the fitness industry for over 10 years, and I’ve seen A LOT of people come and go.
Kaiser is one of those guys that just “gets it” and he’s going to be around for a long, long time.
Super-Trainer is a great resource for fitness professionals who are just beginning to discover all the opportunities that exist, and trust me, there are A LOT of opportunities!
Ryan Lee
Marketing Expert
